Star Wars 99 represents the ninety-ninth installment of the Legends comic book series known as Star Wars. Mary Jo Duffy penned the story, while Ron Frenz provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics initially released it on June 18, 1985. This particular issue showcases the tale "Touch of the Goddess," where Han Solo and Luke Skywalker embark on a mission aimed at rescuing Lando Calrissian.
Imagine adding fuel to an already raging fire—Lando is facing serious trouble, and Han and Luke's only recourse to rescue him involves instigating a war! Furthermore: Captain Drebble [and] Lemo make their highly anticipated comeback! And discover the solution to the Dancing Goddess enigma, courtesy of Sanda
Luke is deep in thought, reflecting on the recent "demise" of Kiro at the Alliance's base located on Endor. Lando's attempt to offer comfort to Luke steers the conversation toward the swiftly intensifying Nagai conflict. Concurrently, Han, accompanied by his childhood companion Bey, is engaged in a humanitarian endeavor alongside Admiral Ackbar on the planet Godo. Here, a peculiar techno virus is gradually decimating the population. This virus poses a grave threat to outsiders lacking a preventative radiation bath. While these baths and medications shield visitors from contracting the illness, the native Godoans find them largely ineffective, merely delaying the virus's progression. As Ackbar and the team assess the afflicted populace, Ackbar mentions his impending return to the fleet to oversee the shipment of weaponry to war-torn regions. Nevertheless, he pledges to consult with scientists striving to pinpoint the virus's precise origin. Before his departure, Ackbar accompanies Han and Bey to the House of the Goddess, a temple housing an idol of the Godoan deity and, according to legend, the source of the terrible disease. While examining the colossal structure, Han discerns that it serves not only as a temple but also as a machine. Following the introduction of C-3PO, R2, and Chewbacca to the temple, it becomes evident that the entire edifice is a techno-organic creation designed to render Godo habitable for its native inhabitants. R2's analysis reveals that the machine functions flawlessly, with the exception of two missing components resembling miniature statues.
Han connects the dots and realizes that these pieces correspond to two statues previously owned by Lando. Consequently, the group hastens back to Endor to confront him. Lando confesses to acquiring the statues in a sabacc game, but reveals that one was pilfered by Lemo and Sanda's gang, while the other was gifted to Barpotomous Drebble. The group divides to locate the statues. Han and Luke visit Lemo and Sanda within a prison asteroid situated in the Keyorin system, promising their liberation in exchange for the statue. With the transaction finalized, the pair ventures to Arcan IV, Lemo and Sanda's former base, and retrieves the statue. Meanwhile, Lando and Chewbacca journey to Stenos to request the statue from Drebble, only to be unexpectedly ambushed by the locals. Evading blaster fire, they eventually encounter Drebble, now a revered leader on Stenos, who, after Lando's persuasion, willingly surrenders the statue, asserting that he would not deserve it if he insisted on retaining it.
Upon their return to Godo, Han replaces one of the statues, but this proves insufficient to reactivate the machine. Just as their Godoan interpreter appears on the verge of succumbing to the virus, Lando bursts into the temple bearing the final statue. With the machine complete, a brilliant flash of light ensues, and the atmosphere's red fumes seem to vanish instantly. As the native Godoans flock to their temple to celebrate, the group prepares to depart the planet, citing the need to fulfill outstanding arms deliveries. Aboard the fleet above Godo, the group's recovering interpreter transmits a message to the Falcon, reporting on the improving situation. However, due to the implications of outsiders in removing pieces of their temple, the House of the Goddess has been sealed permanently against all outsiders. During this notification, Lando begins to perspire profusely, collapsing onto the Falcon's floor. In his haste to return the last piece to the temple, Lando neglected to take a protective bath, rendering him susceptible to the virus. When Han informs the Godoan interpreter of their intention to return Lando to the temple, the Godoan upholds the decree, declaring that no outsider may enter the temple.
Enraged by the Godoans' actions, Solo threatens to obliterate the capital city and the temple unless they assist in saving Lando. Admiral Ackbar immediately denounces the threat, attempting to reason with Han, but many other members of the fleet rally behind Han. With allegiances divided, Han initiates a countdown from ten, asserting that upon its completion, his group will commence firing. Han reaches two before the Godoans yield, permitting Lando's entry into the temple. With Lando fully recovered, Admiral Ackbar declares that, as no physical harm was inflicted, he will refrain from taking action against Solo's conduct. Officially, the incident never transpired.
- UPC 071486028178; June 18 , 1985 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1]
- (No UPC) ; October 13 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics; Digital edition [2]