
The Minstrel, originating from the planet Godo, was a statue. It was initially part of the House of the Goddess. This statue, along with the Dancing Goddess, were both taken from the House of the Goddess. The Godoan people began to experience a peculiar techno-virus because the two statues were missing from their original location. Lando Calrissian eventually gained possession of the Minstrel and the Dancing Goddess, having won them in a card game. Subsequently, the statues became highly sought after by Lemo and Sanda's gang, seemingly playing a central role in a complex scheme they had developed. During an encounter on Arcan IV, the gang managed to acquire the Minstrel from Calrissian. However, Dafi, a member of the gang, experienced a negative reaction to the statue. She became intensely fascinated by it and seized it for herself, even resorting to violence against her fellow gang members when they approached her.

Sometime after the Battle of Endor, it appears the gang managed to take back the artifact from Dafi, as the Minstrel was found at their den on Arcan IV. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker obtained the Minstrel from the gang, in exchange for aiding in the release of the two criminals from imprisonment. The Minstrel and the Dancing Goddess were both returned to the House of the Goddess, which cured the terrible disease.

