The ailment known as Godoan's disease was endemic to the planet of Godo.
This Godoan affliction manifested as red clouds within the atmosphere of the planet Godo. Its emergence followed the planet's ecological collapse, prompting the construction of a massive device called the House of the Goddess designed to remedy the situation. The removal of two crucial elements from this machine subsequently led to the re-emergence of the disease, afflicting the Godoans once again. While outsiders could gain protection from the disease through radioactive baths, such treatment offered only marginal life extension to those already infected, ultimately leading to death by asphyxiation.
During a humanitarian mission to Godo, Admiral Ackbar, Bey, and Han Solo were escorted to the House of the Goddess, where Solo determined the House was in reality a machine. Following an investigation by R2-D2 and C-3PO, it was revealed that the Dancing Goddess and the Minstrel statues, two essential components, were missing. Luke Skywalker posited that the machine's purpose was to sustain life on Godo by containing the disease. When Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca returned the Dancing Goddess to the House, the party's guide, Fumiyo, who was near death, experienced a recovery upon the machine's reactivation.
Upon returning to the Alliance fleet in orbit, Calrissian displayed symptoms indicative of the disease, becoming pale and clammy. He then admitted that he had not undergone the preventive radioactive treatment. Solo threatened to attack Godo unless Calrissian was permitted to return to the House for treatment, where he could recover from the disease. Fumiyo initially objected, stating that the choice was not his to make, but ultimately relented, seeking to prevent further loss of life. Calrissian was then taken to the House, where he recovered in a manner similar to Fumiyo.