Star Wars (1977) 98

Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission, also known as Star Wars 98, represents the ninety-eighth installment of the Legends comic book series titled Star Wars. Archie Goodwin penned the story, Al Williamson provided the illustrations, and Marvel Comics initially released it on May 14, 1985. The narrative, titled "Supply and Demand," centers around Han Solo as he embarks on a mission to the planet called Vandelhelm.

Publisher's summary

Han embarks on a mission to a former Imperial penal colony, accompanied by Nien Nunb as his co-pilot aboard the Millennium Falcon. Upon arrival, he discovers that his assignment involves escorting a woman and her offspring. However, the situation escalates when the Imperials make an appearance, placing Han in a precarious position.

Plot summary

With Chewbacca taking leave to Kashyyyk, and Leia engaged in discussions with key figures from the Alliance of Free Planets, Han finds himself compelled to accept a mission to a former Imperial detention facility planet, with Nien Nunb serving as his wingman on the Millennium Falcon. Upon landing, he is taken aback to realize that his task entails chaperoning a female and her kid to Vandelhelm to address concerns regarding the Metalsmiths Guild's provision of "ores and alloys and stuff" to the Alliance. Apparently, the current Guildmaster Orrk has thrown his lot in with the Galactic Empire and was disconcerted upon learning of the impending arrival of the royalty whom Han is protecting. Imperial Admiral Mordur has given the Guildmaster assurances that the "venerated ones" are doomed. As the Millennium Falcon exits hyperspace, it finds itself amidst a mine-laden asteroid belt. Moff Vordur had anticipated the arrival of a sizable Rebel cruiser. The scheme backfired.

Upon reaching Vandelhelm, the Guildmaster himself extends a greeting to the group. Han initiates criticism of the guild's craftsmanship. Orrk defends his organization by highlighting the selfless dedication of the metalsmiths. He further reveals that Han's wards represent the last surviving members of the two founding families of the mineral-rich world.

Returning to the Millennium Falcon, Han discovers that Imperial stormtroopers have taken his co-pilot hostage. Orrk has also seized the royals, disclosing his alliance with the Empire to Han. The child then leaps onto Orrk's leg, disrupting his balance. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Han fires upon the stormtrooper holding Nien. He attempts to target Orrk, but refrains due to the risk of harming the royals. Consequently, he lunges at Orrk. Unfortunately for Han, the Guildmaster possesses superior size and strength, resulting in Han being dragged off the platform supporting the Millennium Falcon. However, the woman shoots Orrk, and Han subsequently pulled him down, leading to his demise. Moments later, Han detects a familiar sound, the crackle of Chewbacca's rifle. Apparently, two stormtroopers had witnessed the entire sequence and emerged from cover. Nien Nunb, spotting them, swiftly neutralized them.

The group proceeds to the Millennium Falcon. Simultaneously, Admiral Mordur inputs the command codes for the drone barges laden with ore, initiating their launch to trail his flagship, which he pilots toward the Sun. Han notices this and boards the ship. Ultimately, Han and the Admiral engage in combat on the ship's command deck under Zero-G conditions. Han emerges victorious and attempts to disable the signal to the drone barges. He fails. Just as he resigns himself to the imminent destruction of himself, the Millennium Falcon, the crew, and the barges in the sun, he hears Lando Calrissian's voice, who has arrived aboard an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate. He employs a tractor beam to secure the Millennium Falcon and informs Han that he has utilized the command code to redirect the barges. Apparently, the royals possessed knowledge of the codes but had withheld the information from Han. The comic concludes with the child embracing Han.


Originally, Star Wars 98 was intended to showcase the story "Far, Far Away," but its publication was deferred until issue 101. In 1995, Dark Horse Comics reissued Star Wars 98 under the title Classic Star Wars: The Vandelhelm Mission, featuring recolored artwork by James Sinclair.



