
title: Orrk

During the Galactic Civil War, Orrk held the position of Guildmaster for the Metalsmiths Guild located on Vandelhelm. As a dedicated supporter of the Imperial cause for a significant period, Orrk continued his clandestine collaborations with Imperial admiral Mordur even after the Battle of Endor. His aim was to prevent the Alliance of Free Planets from benefiting from Vandelhelm's substantial metal production. In 4 ABY, Orrk's scheme to abduct the Venerated Ones was thwarted when he met his end at the hands of the renowned Alliance war hero, Han Solo, who fatally shot him.


Orrk, a Human male, occupied the role of Guildmaster within the Metalsmiths Guild on Vandelhelm, his homeworld. This planet was renowned for its crucial role in the shipbuilding industry. Having secretly aided the Imperial cause for over a decade, Orrk managed to maintain his position as Guildmaster even after the Empire's decisive defeat during the Battle of Endor. However, his past allegiance raised suspicions among members of the Alliance of Free Planets, including General Lando Calrissian, who had interacted with Orrk during his tenure as Baron Administrator of Bespin's Cloud City. These suspicions proved to be well-founded. Orrk, determined to keep Vandelhelm's valuable metals out of the Alliance's reach, conspired with Imperial admiral Mordur. He provided shelter to Mordur on a modified drone barge and plotted to imprison the Venerated Ones—two young royals who held immense symbolic value for the world's metalsmiths—in an Imperial detention center located on Ord Vaug.

Following the disappearance of the Venerated Ones, Orrk announced a halt in production by the Metalsmiths Guild until their safe return, thus denying the Alliance access to the crucial alloys needed for their fleet. Orrk's carefully laid plan suffered a setback when Alliance forces successfully liberated Ord Vaug and freed the Venerated Ones. War heroes Han Solo and Nien Nunb were then tasked with escorting the children back to Vandelhelm. Undeterred, Orrk and Mordur devised a plan to eliminate the Venerated Ones upon their return to the system. However, Solo and Nunb skillfully piloted the Millennium Falcon through a perilous mined asteroid belt, ensuring the children's safe arrival on Vandelhelm. Upon their return to the planet, Orrk greeted Solo and the Venerated Ones, desperately seeking a way to regain control of the situation. He ultimately decided to attempt to assassinate the children. Orrk took the Venerated Ones hostage, attempting to force them aboard Solo's Millennium Falcon, but Solo, renowned for his quick reflexes, fatally shot Orrk, saving the children from certain death.

Personality and traits

Orrk was a long-standing and devoted Imperial loyalist who reveled in the power his position as head of the Metalsmiths Guild afforded him. However, following the Empire's defeat at Endor, he began to express a degree of disdain for his Imperial allies, even making remarks about their failure in the Galactic Civil War. In public, Orrk skillfully maintained the facade of a dedicated and concerned guild leader. However, among the guild members, he was perceived as aloof and uninterested in their concerns, only bothering to interact with them when it served to further consolidate his own authority. In fact, Orrk harbored a deep resentment for the metalsmiths he governed, viewing them as unsophisticated and superstitious.

Behind the scenes

Orrk made his debut appearance in Star Wars 98, a comic written by Archie Goodwin, illustrated by Al Williamson, and published in 1985.

