Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 2

Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith #2 represents the second installment in the Star Wars Legends comic book series titled Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Golden Age of the Sith. Kevin J. Anderson served as the writer, while Dario Carrasco, Jr. provided the illustrations. Dark Horse Comics initially released it on November 1, 1996.

The comic's narrative, entitled "Funeral for a Dark Lord," follows Gav and Jori Daragon's arrival on the Sith planet of Korriban, occurring after the funeral of Marka Ragnos.

Publisher's summary

Marka Ragnos held absolute power over the galaxy. He stood as the Dark Lord of the Sith -- the most formidable among the formidable. However, with his passing, Gav and Jori Daragon, two unsuspecting hyperspace explorers, might face dire consequences if they find themselves caught in the crossfire of warring factions vying for the Dark Lord's vacant position.

Plot summary

Opening crawl

Funeral on Korriban

On the world of Korriban, the governing Sith Lords have inaugurated a fresh tomb within the Valley of the Dark Lords to honor the deceased Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos. Ludo Kressh, a Sith Lord of considerable influence aspiring to succeed Ragnos, presides over the funeral of his predecessor. Marka Ragnos' mortal remains, along with several Sith slaves, are interred within his tomb.

Fugitives on the run

In a parallel sequence, Gav and Jori Daragon, now fugitives, pilot their vessel, Starbreaker 12, out of hyperspace. Having randomly selected their coordinates during their escape from Koros Major, the siblings inadvertently stumble upon the uncharted realm of Korriban. Driven by the desire to profit from their expertise as hyperspace navigators, they resolve to investigate Korriban.

Subsequent to Marka Ragnos's funeral proceedings, Naga Sadow, Kressh's rival, makes his presence known in the Valley of the Dark Lords to challenge for the leadership of the Sith Empire. Kressh dismisses Sadow's challenge, viewing his acts of rebellion and experimentation as a menace to the Empire. Sadow retorts by asserting that the Sith Empire has become stagnant and corrupt. He reminds the assembled Sith that their Dark Jedi forebears were exiled due to their convictions.

With the aspiration of establishing a new hyperspace lane, Gav persuades his sister Jori that they ought to explore Korriban. He reminds Jori that they are to present themselves as "emissaries" hailing from the Galactic Republic.

A leadership contest

Returning to Korriban, Sadow and Kressh opt to settle their conflicting claims through a fierce duel with swords. With neither combatant gaining a decisive advantage, the ghost of Marka Ragnos intervenes. After recounting the genesis of the Sith Empire, he cautions that their empire will soon meet its end if corrective measures are not taken. He implores Kressh and Sadow to exercise wisdom and engage in the appropriate battles, lest everything be lost.

Odan-Urr's vision

Back on Koros Major, Odan-Urr has a Force vision foretelling an imminent Sith assault. He resolves to alert Empress Teta and his fellow Jedi Knight, Memit Nadill. Upon entering the throne room, he discovers Aarrba the Hutt informing Empress Teta about Gav and Jori's theft of the Starbreaker 12, asserting that they have betrayed his generosity and inflicted damage upon his repair dock.

Empress Teta pledges to ensure justice for Aarrna. Odan-Urr shares his premonition with the Empress and Memit. Memit vouches for his fellow Jedi, and the Empress assures them that she will address the matter during her forthcoming journey to Coruscant in three days.

First contact

Reconvening on Korriban, Sadow and Kressh decide to come to terms. Their discussion is disrupted by the arrival of Gav and Jordi's ship, Starbreaker 12. Following their landing, the pair declares their affiliation with the Republic and propose a trade accord. However, the Sith's Massassi warriors apprehend them and take them as prisoners. Kressh suspects that the Daragons are harbingers of an invasion, but Sadow intends to interrogate them, believing they hold the key to "ripe new fields" ripe for the Sith Lords to conquer.



