Rostu Squad

Rostu Squad comprised clone troopers who belonged to a squad within the Grand Army of the Republic. They fought against the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. This battalion, including Rostu Squad, was sent to the planet of Kaller to fight the Separatists, and the Republic achieved victory. However, soon after the battle concluded, the clones received the infamous Order 66, a directive commanding them to execute all members of the Jedi Order.

The battalion, including Rostu Squad, then turned against Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her Padawan, Caleb Dume, both of whom were stationed alongside them. Billaba was killed while buying time for Dume to flee. Subsequently, Clone Captain Styles instructed Rostu Squad to assist him in hunting down the Padawan. Rostu and Styles pursued Dume into the nearby woods, but the Jedi successfully evaded capture and went into hiding.

Behind the scenes

The comic book Kanan 2, authored by Greg Weisman and illustrated by Pepe Larraz, which was released in 2015, marked the squad's initial appearance. The name Nick Rostu originated from a character in the Star Wars Legends novel Shatterpoint, which also featured Billaba prominently.

The premiere episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, entitled "Aftermath," which aired in 2021, presented a changed account of Billaba's demise and Dume's escape, with no mention of Rostu Squad.

