The Imperial Assault Tank, alternatively referred to as the assault tank, saw deployment by the Galactic Empire throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War in opposition to the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. A minimum of five of these tanks were stationed at the Imperial installation known as Weapons Factory Alpha, situated on the moon Cymoon 1, during the attack launched by Rebel forces. During this engagement, the tanks, in conjunction with several All Terrain Scout Transports and combat speeders, engaged an All Terrain Armored Transport being piloted by the rebels Han Solo and Leia Organa. The visual design of Imperial Assault Tanks bore a strong resemblance to the Armored Assault Tank prominently utilized by both the Trade Federation and the Separatist Droid Army.
The initial depiction of the Imperial Assault Tank occurred within the pages of Star Wars (2015) 3, a comic book published in 2015. The comic's narrative was crafted by Jason Aaron, with illustrations provided by John Cassaday.