Admiral Trench commanded Trench's army, a component of the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars. The army fought in the Battle of Anaxes, but its existence ended when Trench's fleet was obliterated, rendering all ground units inoperable.
This army under Trench's command was structured with various legions and battalions. It employed a wide array of battle droid types from the Separatist Alliance's armed forces, including B1-series battle droids, B2-series super battle droids as well as B2 super rocket troopers, BX-series droid commandos, DSD1 dwarf spider droids, and OOM command battle droids. Furthermore, the army had T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droids, HMP droid gunships, and J-1 proton cannons. Its artillery consisted of Armored Assault Tank Mk Is, Flitknot Speeder Bikes, Multi-Troop Transports, and airspeeders.