Unidentified Separatist platoon

During the conflict known as the Battle of Anaxes, a group of battle droids – specifically, a platoon – was dispatched to scrutinize the activities of clone troopers operating in enemy territory. These clones consisted of Captain CT-7567, known as "Rex," Advanced Recon Commando CT-5597, known as "Jesse," and the clones belonging to Clone Force 99; they had infiltrated enemy lines to determine if the Separatists had acquired Rex's strategy algorithm.

After the group's Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry was downed at Sector One, Clone Force 99 eliminated a squad of droids. This action was deemed unusual by Separatist commanders, prompting them to send droids to investigate. Later, the clones neutralized the Anaxes Separatist Security Outpost in order to advance towards the Cyber Center. The platoon then investigated the outpost, and Trench concluded that the clones were heading for the center. Subsequently, the platoon's Multi-Troop Transports reached the center and deployed B2-series super battle droids. These units engaged the clones in combat, but were unsuccessful in preventing them from discovering the Separatists' utilization of the algorithm and subsequently escaping.

