Coruscant Home Defense Fleet

The Coruscant Home Defense Fleet, alternatively referred to as the Coruscant defense fleet, comprised a fleet that served as the planetary defense force for the world of Coruscant during the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic. After the Clone Wars began, this fleet was absorbed into the naval forces of the newly formed Republic Military. Commander Honor Salima, a Republic officer, held command of this fleet, which saw action in the Battle of Coruscant.


  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 52 (Starship Fact File: Carrack-class Light Cruiser)
  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 8 (Highlights of the Saga: Kidnap of the Chancellor) (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines (First identified as Coruscant Home Defense Fleet)
  • Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy
  • " The End of the Clone Wars " — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars: Timelines

Notes and references
