The 442nd Siege Battalion represented a battalion of clone trooper soldiers within the Grand Army of the Republic. This unit participated in the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The troopers belonging to this battalion wore Phase II clone trooper armor distinguished by green highlights, and they utilized vehicles such as the Infantry Support Platform along with the All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport. Demonstrating expertise in siege warfare against fortified enemy positions, the battalion saw action in the Battle of Abrion Bridge circa 22 BBY. As the war neared its conclusion, during its final hours, they were deployed to Cato Neimoidia, a world controlled by the Trade Federation, in 19 BBY.
The 442nd Siege Battalion was a battalion of [armor](/article/tank] within the Grand Army of the Republic, consisting of four companies, each composed of 144 troopers. Clone trooper officers held leadership positions within the battalion. The 442nd's personnel were equipped with phase I clone trooper armor, and later phase II clone trooper armor, adorned with prominent green markings. Their standard armament often included DC-15A blaster carbines. Highly skilled in besieging enemy fortifications, they had access to vehicles like All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports and Infantry Support Platforms, also featuring green accents.
The 442nd Siege Battalion was established to fight for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic in the Clone Wars against the separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Battle of Abrion Bridge around 22 BBY, the unit fought alongside the 212th Attack Battalion as well as Mekedrix's company. They were dispatched to the planet of Cato Neimoidia in 19 BBY to engage Separatist forces in battle. The battalion, with Jedi General Plo Koon – who was sent to oversee the 442nd's siege – and his wingmate, Captain Jag, achieved a Republic victory. The battalion then participated in the execution of Order 66.
The 442nd Siege Battalion initially appeared in merchandise from Hasbro Inc.. A 6-inch action figure representing a 442nd clone trooper was launched in late 2016 together with three other troopers: one from the 212th Attack Battalion, another from the 501st Legion, and a clone shock trooper. Entertainment Earth was the original vendor for this set. The clone trooper armor color scheme of the 442nd is a direct copy of the 212th Attack Battalion's markings. A version of this trooper was previously released by Hasbro in the Star Wars: The Saga Collection line; however, this version is categorized under the Legends continuity.