The Grand Army of the Republic of the Galactic Republic, with assistance from the Jedi Order, clashed with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in a conflict that took place on the world of Hypori during 22 BBY, amidst the Clone Wars. The 442nd Siege Battalion and the 212th Attack Battalion of the Republic were participants in this devastating ground war; however, General Grievous, the Kaleesh cyborg [warlord](/article/warlord], along with his Separatist Droid Army, ultimately secured a victory for the Separatists.

The Clone Wars began in 22 BBY with the First Battle of Geonosis, where the Galactic Republic achieved an initial, albeit costly, triumph over the Confederacy of Independent Systems, marked by the loss of many Jedi. The string of successes that commenced at Geonosis continued through the Battle of Christophsis, and the defense of Dantooine, which was still in progress when the battle of Hypori commenced, also resulted in a victory for the Republic's military forces.
In the year 22 BBY, subsequent to the engagements on Christophsis and Dantooine, the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order found themselves engaged in a conflict on the Outer Rim planet Hypori against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The 442nd Siege Battalion and 212th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic participated in this engagement. During the fighting, a number of Jedi Knights were caught off guard, and an Acclamator-class cruiser met its end by crashing on Hypori. The confrontation culminated in a devastating defeat for the Republic's forces, resulting in the demise of numerous clone troopers and Jedi at the hands of General Grievous, the Kaleesh cyborg warlord who was also the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies. It is known that at least one B1-series battle droid was destroyed during this battle.

The events that transpired on Hypori sparked widespread fear and a decline in morale among the Republic's forces, largely stemming from the perceived threat of Grievous and the rapid escalation of the war. This fear—combined with a heightened sense of responsibility in the newly appointed Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and the exhaustion from the Battle of Christophsis—persisted as the Jedi Master prepared for the impending Battle of Abrion Bridge. In an effort to bolster his troops' spirits, Kenobi sought to embody his new leadership role and volunteered the 212th Attack Battalion to spearhead the assault on Abrion Bridge.
During the Imperial Era, when an engineering team led by Commander Orson Callan Krennic of the Galactic Empire occupied a former Techno Union droid factory on Hypori to work on designing and producing weapons for a clandestine mobile battle station, the wreckage of the Acclamator-class cruiser served as a somber reminder of the battle. Around 0 BBY, Kenobi reflected on the aftermath of the battle of Hypori, recalling its disastrous course and the demoralizing effect it had on the Republic's forces.
The initial mention of the battle of Hypori within current Star Wars canon occurred in the 2016 novel, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, penned by James Luceno. Subsequently, it made its debut appearance in the third issue of the comic miniseries Star Wars: Obi-Wan, authored by Christopher Cantwell, illustrated by Alessandro Miracolo, and released by Marvel Comics on July 27, 2022. Prior to the issue's release, a preview featuring the battle was initially showcased on on July 20.
The Clone Wars-era battle on Hypori was originally portrayed within the Star Wars Legends continuity in Chapter 20 of the animated microseries Star Wars: Clone Wars, which aired on April 8, 2004 on Cartoon Network. Its identification as the "Battle of Hypori" within the Legends continuity first occurred in Star Wars Fandex Deluxe Edition, a 2008 fold-out reference guide authored by Christopher Cerasi. The canon novel Brotherhood, written by Mike Chen and released on May 10, 2022, contains an implicit reference to the Legends Battle of Hypori, specifically regarding Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi's recovery from injuries sustained during a recent encounter with Grievous. Chen later disclosed that this was a deliberate effort to integrate elements of the Clone Wars animated series into his book.