Tensor field

A tensor field represented a specific category of electromagnetic field. All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport walkers of the Imperial forces incorporated waveguided tensor fields within their leg joints; this functionality ensured the seamless alignment of their heavily strained motive components. Consequently, these walkers could bear immense loads and were nearly impossible to topple.

Providence-class Dreadnoughts belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy, for example, the Invisible Hand, also made use of tensor fields. During the Battle of Coruscant, the starship experienced a failure of its tensor fields due to the intense pressure exerted by Coruscant's gravity well, leading to its structural collapse into two sections and subsequent descent towards the planet.


  • Star Wars Helmet Collection 9 (Databank A-Z: C-21–Chandrila)
  • Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: On the Front Lines
  • Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition

Notes and references
