Gus, a clone trooper, fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He participated in the Battle of Christophsis, serving as a member of Clone Sergeant Slick's squad.

During a battle that took place on Christophsis, Gus and the other members of their squad were preparing to ambush the approaching droid army. They were positioned in a tower, working alongside Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Commander Cody. Gus noticed that the battle droids were advancing with AATs and were dividing their forces. The battle droids then attacked the tower, and Gus sustained an injury. They were rescued by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, and their troops before retreating to the roof. Before being extracted by Hawk's gunship, Gus retrieved TJ-55's head to take with them.
Cody and Rex summoned Gus and the rest of the platoon to the barracks to investigate the possibility of a spy within their ranks, which irritated Sergeant Slick. Gus informed them that he was receiving treatment for his wound from the ambush and that the medical droid would have the relevant records. They then confronted Chopper after he gave a false alibi. However, Slick was revealed to be the actual spy and managed to escape. Gus and the others proceeded to the base's armory and observed Slick entering the command center after detonating the armory.
A clone trooper sharing Gus's beard design is seen in "Weapons Factory," although no official source has confirmed a connection between the two troopers.