Guswan Askreeth

Guswan Askreeth, given the title "Colonel," was a cyborg whose body was extensively modified with scavenged parts. These included an FX-8 torso and an arm taken from a 2-1B surgical droid. Around 34 ABY of the standard year, Askreeth visited the planet Cantonica and spectated a fathier race at the Canto Bight racetrack during his stay.


Approximately in 34 ABY, shortly after the war began between the First Order and the Resistance, the cyborg known as "Colonel" Gusawn Askreeth took a trip to Cantonica, specifically the city of Canto Bight. While there, the cyborg watched and enjoyed a fathier race from the stands of the Canto Bight racetrack.

Personality and traits

The lower portion of Askreeth's face was obscured by a modified Imperial stormtrooper breath mask. The "colonel's" legs and midsection were replaced by a uniquely adapted FX-8 trunk, complete with concealed wheels. His left arm was a reconditioned 2-1B surgical droid appendage, while his remaining organic right arm suffered from arthritis. The cyborg's remaining skin had an orange tint, and his eyes were completely black.


Askreeth's attire consisted of a black and white robe, black gloves, and a black waistband positioned over his gray cybernetic components.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Askreeth was titled "Pearl General 05".

Guswan Askreeth made his debut appearance in the 2017 motion picture Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Although the character was unnamed in the film itself, his identity was revealed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book penned by Pablo Hidalgo that was released alongside the movie. Tim Napper, a creature concept designer, created concept art of Askreeth labeled "Pearl General 05," which portrayed the cyborg with more white garments, hair, and a rank insignia plaque.

