A centrifuge, sometimes referred to as a centrifuge machine, represented a specific kind of apparatus employed for the purpose of liquid separation.
The XJ-6 airspeeder incorporated afterburner centrifuges; these devices directed flows of air by forcing them through the mechanism.
At the Klegger Corp Mining Facility, liquid ores, specifically in the state of lava, underwent processing. This involved pouring the lava into sizable tanks before transferring it to a complex, multi-tiered centrifuge for the purpose of separation. This centrifuge served to concentrate and isolate metals from the lava. The lava itself was obtained through extraction technology, as well as manually by mining droids and Mustafarian employees; each source, however, was processed independently.
Within the Advanced Science Division at Tantiss Base, Nala Se's responsibilities included operating a centrifuge machine. This machine rotated receptacles holding samples of blood.
The Nova Blaster, an alcoholic beverage available at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, was produced by combining Corellian brandy together with Ipellria firewater inside a centrifuge.