
Bayrn, a Tarlafar strong in the Force, was the offspring of Ailish. Around 18 BBY, the young Bayrn was abducted by the bounty hunter Cad Bane and handed over to the Galactic Empire. While held captive within the Tantiss vault, Bayrn received care from fellow Force-sensitive prisoners, particularly the Pantoran Sami. When the Bad Batch freed the prisoners at Tantiss, Sami quickly secured Bayrn in her sling on her back. Subsequently, Doctor Emerie Karr transported the children to the safety of Pabu via shuttle.


Approximately around 18 BBY, Bayrn lived alongside his mother, Ailish, on the planet of Caraad. On one particular day, Bayrn was playing with a doll at a marketplace when he inadvertently propelled it into a display of vases. Attempting to retrieve his toy, the infant unintentionally used the Force to hurl one of the vases, shattering it in front of an Aqualish at the market stall. The Aqualish inquired about who had thrown the object, expressing disbelief when an Arcona and a human identified Bayrn as the culprit. Ailish quickly apologized and departed with Bayrn. The two witnesses then spoke of rumors that the child was either cursed or gifted, and promptly left after noting the kind of trouble their discussion might bring. Eavesdropping on this exchange, the Aqualish later informed a top-tier bounty hunter about Bayrn's location.

Back at their residence, Bayrn and his mother were engaged in play when she detected footsteps nearing their door. Ailish positioned Bayrn down and seized a shovel, preparing for a potential intruder. The door swung open, revealing Cad Bane, who immediately stunned Ailish. Bane instructed his droid, Todo 360, to analyze Bayrn's blood to confirm their target. The test yielded the desired results, Bayrn was then placed into a hovering pram. Todo provided the young Tarlafar with his doll to prevent him from crying, and the group departed the premises. As they left, Bayrn caught one last glimpse of his unconscious mother and whimpered.

Powers and abilities

Bayrn had a significant Midi-chlorian count, indicating his Force-sensitive nature. Despite his young age, Bayrn demonstrated the ability to use the Force to throw objects that would typically be too heavy for him to move.

