
TK-343 was a Galactic Empire stormtrooper with the designation TK who served the Empire. Circa 18 BBY, as part of a small squad, they journeyed to Mount Tantiss located on the planet Wayland. However, as their shuttle approached its landing, it was struck by lightning, resulting in a crash within the jungle outside the Imperial base's boundaries. Subsequently, TK-343 used a comlink to request assistance from the base, but no help arrived, and the trooper met their death at the hands of a jungle creature.


TK-343's (center) shuttle crashed in sector four on Wayland.

TK-343 was the designation for a TK stormtrooper within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. Around 18 BBY, this trooper was part of a diminutive, three-member squad traveling aboard Shuttle 135, a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, en route to the clandestine Imperial facility situated at Mount Tantiss on the planet of Wayland. However, during the shuttle's final descent toward the mountain, a lightning strike during a storm caused system failures.

With the ship's power unrecoverable, Shuttle 135's pilot informed TK-343 and the other occupants in the hold of the impending crash. The vessel impacted the jungle within sector four outside Mount Tantiss's perimeter. TK-343 and the other troopers survived the crash and exited the vehicle after the pilot deployed the ramp. Once the pilot joined them on the ground, TK-343 attempted to contact Mount Tantiss via comlink. Another trooper suggested they move quickly due to the presence of dangerous creatures like the dryax in the jungle. TK-343 dismissed this concern, mentioning that Mount Tantiss's lurca hounds kept such threats away. However, the other trooper explained that the hounds were ineffective at that distance from the base. Their conversation was interrupted by a growl emanating from the treeline.

TK-343's squad fell victim to the perils of Wayland's jungles.

As the squad pointed their DC-15A blaster carbines toward the sound, TK-343 once more contacted Mount Tantiss, requesting backup. A creature then attacked the squad, who responded with blaster fire. At the base, Doctor Royce Hemlock listened to the sounds of the lost squad's blaster fire and TK-343's screams. He then instructed an Imperial technician not to dispatch a rescue team, deeming the troopers essentially dead if they were outside the perimeter. The jungle creature subsequently killed TK-343 and the other occupants of the shuttle. Days later, Hemlock referenced the fate of TK-343's squad to the clone Omega to illustrate the dangers present within Wayland's jungles.


TK-343 was equipped with white TK stormtrooper armor, a DC-15A blaster carbine, and a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Jimmi Simpson provided the voice for TK-343 in "Confined," which served as the opening episode for the third season of the animated series Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This episode was broadcast on Disney+ on February 21, 2024.

