Unidentified conscription trooper pilot

A pilot serving as a conscription trooper was in the service of the Galactic Empire as a spacecraft operator circa 18 BBY, which was in the early days of the Imperial Era. The aforementioned pilot's Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, known as Shuttle 135, experienced a crash landing near Mount Tantiss located on the planet of Wayland after suffering damage due to inclement weather. Despite a request for assistance, both the pilot and the troopers being transported were abandoned to their fate within the wilderness surrounding Tantiss Base because Doctor Royce Hemlock assessed that a rescue operation would be futile.


Around 18 BBY, a year following the Empire's birth, this conscription trooper pilot was in service to the Galactic Empire. While in the process of transporting a squad of stormtroopers to Tantiss Base at Mount Tantiss using a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle, the shuttle piloted by the aforementioned individual was struck by lightning during a storm while approaching Mount Tantiss. This resulted in the systems becoming unresponsive. The pilot then informed his passengers to prepare for a crash landing, and successfully managed to bring the shuttle down in the jungle surrounding the Imperial base. Having survived the crash, the pilot opened the shuttle's ramp to allow the passengers to disembark, after which he exited the cockpit in a disoriented state.

As the stormtroopers considered their predicament, trooper TK-343 used his comlink to request a recovery team. However, the Imperials were then set upon by a dryax, which is a large predatory animal. After hearing the panicked cries of the troopers over the comms, Doctor Royce Hemlock gave the order that no assistance be dispatched to the troopers, as he came to the conclusion that their situation was unrecoverable. Having been abandoned and defenseless against the jungle's creatures, the pilot met his death along with the troopers he was transporting.


The trooper was clad in white TK stormtrooper armor, and due to being a pilot, was also equipped with life-support gear.

