Wanten, also known as TD-110 and DSS-0956, was a First Order officer of the male human variety, having previously served as a stormtrooper in the Galactic Empire. During the Galactic Civil War, this individual, identified as TD-110, was stationed on the first Death Star in the days leading up to the Battle of Yavin. Additionally, as a sandtrooper commander, he was dispatched to the Outer Rim world of Tatooine with the mission of retrieving the stolen Death Star plans from the rebel droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.
Following the Galactic Empire's surrender to the New Republic, Wanten, like many other Imperial officers and soldiers, threw his support behind the First Order. Eventually, he rose to the rank of commander within their military forces operating in the Unknown Regions. During the early days of the First Order-Resistance War, Wanten was stationed on Starkiller Base and met his death when J-Squadron attacked the First Order superweapon during a Resistance assault.
Between 20 and 13 BBY, Wanten came into existence on Parsh, where he belonged to a clan that struggled to survive on the unforgiving world. When the Galactic Empire arrived, they forced the clan to work in their mines. Sometime after this, he became a stormtrooper within the Imperial Military and was given the designation TD-110.

In 0 BBY, he held the positions of sandtrooper commander and captain, leading Foot Patrol 7 from their base in Mos Eisley on Tatooine in the aftermath of the secret mission to Tatooine. While patrolling the city, he and his squad stopped and questioned an elderly man, a young man, a protocol droid, and an astromech droid traveling in a speeder. Ultimately, they allowed the group to proceed after TD-110 was unknowingly subjected to a mind trick. Later, Commander TD-4445 summoned Foot Patrol 7 to assist other units during a confrontation aimed at preventing the Millennium Falcon from departing one of the city's landing bays, but they were unable to reach the hangar in time.

Around the time Princess Leia Organa was rescued, Wanten found himself stationed on the Death Star. He had developed a severe headache as a result of the mind trick, forcing him to delegate command of his troops to a subordinate. During his time on the Death Star, he came to the realization that the droids he had encountered in Mos Eisley were the very ones the Empire was searching for, as they possessed the Death Star plans.
While en route to Control Room 327 to oversee a skirmish, he struck his head on the doorway, briefly incapacitating him and saving him from the death that befell the other stormtroopers assigned there. Upon regaining consciousness, he spotted the droids that had evaded him and attempted to shoot them in an effort to redeem himself. However, a Moff intervened and escorted him away for disciplinary action. As a consequence of his errors, he was removed from his position on the Death Star. This allowed him to escape its destruction during the Battle of Yavin, which claimed the lives of his comrades. Nevertheless, this left Wanten stranded on Tatooine, where he later expressed disappointment at having missed what he considered "important" battles, such as Endor and Jakku.
Decades later, amidst the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Wanten served as a commander within the First Order military and was stationed on Vodran, harboring hopes of eventually being promoted to the Bittelari Cluster. When the Resistance annihilated Starkiller Base, Wanten was killed when J-Squadron rammed him with a Griffin-class light shuttle.
Wanten, a male human, possessed a stout build, small blue [eyes](/article/eye], and a Corellian nose that made wearing a stormtrooper helmet uncomfortable. By 34 ABY, he had lost his hair, and his once-athletic physique had become overweight.
Wanten lacked willpower, making him easily influenced by the Force. According to his subordinate Sardis Ramsin, he had a habit of repeating everything twice.
Wanten represents a composite of several stormtrooper characters, and therefore, multiple actors. Anthony Forrest played the mind-tricked sandtrooper on Tatooine, and also portrayed Laze Loneozner in a deleted scene from the same film, A New Hope. For a long time, the Star Wars fandom was unaware of Loneozner's role as the stormtrooper until a picture of him on set in costume, but without the helmet, surfaced.
An uncredited actor played the head-bumping trooper in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The actor portraying the stormtrooper accidentally bumped his head on a door frame while entering his scene. Wanten was later identified in the short stories "Born in the Storm" and "Bump" from the 2017 anthology From a Certain Point of View, and in the novel Join the Resistance: Escape from Vodran, both released on the same day.
Laurie Goode once mentioned bumping his head on set while playing a stormtrooper, leading many fans to speculate that he might have portrayed the trooper. Michael Leader recalled a similar incident, and after his death in 2016, at least one media obituary identified him as the actor.
In the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, director George Lucas paid tribute to the "head-bumping stormtrooper" scene by having Jango Fett bump his head on the door of the Slave I. In the 2004 DVD re-release of the Star Wars original trilogy, the scene was enhanced with a sound effect to emphasize it. In the DVD commentary of Attack of the Clones, Lucas suggested that Jango Fett's "bumping-head trait" was cloned into all stormtroopers, implying Wanten was a clone. However, Wanten's backstory in From a Certain Point of View contradicts this.