The short story called "Bump" appears in the anthology collection titled From a Certain Point of View. Ben Acker and Ben Blacker are the authors who penned this tale.
Following the events surrounding the secret mission that took place on Tatooine, the stormtrooper known as TD-110 is reassigned to the Death Star. His fellow soldiers, TD-422, TD-909, and TD-328, had been suffering from heat stroke because their stormtrooper armor had cracked in the intense heat of Tatooine. They were urgently transported to the Death Star to recover. Before TD-110 can even enter the hygiene chamber, an alarm sounds throughout the Death Star. A Moff informs him that intruders have boarded the Death Star, and no stormtrooper will be allowed to rest until the situation is resolved.
Despite having a headache, TD-110 puts on his armor. As he dresses, TD-110 thinks back to his difficult childhood on the untamed planet of Parsh. Before enlisting in the Galactic Empire, TD-110 belonged to a clan that struggled to survive on that harsh planet. When the Empire discovered them, they forced his people to work in mines. TD-110 was initially overlooked because he was considered too weak. However, his Alphon found a use for him, employing him to relay messages to other enslaved Alphoni. While the Alphon intended to spark a rebellion, TD-110 chose to improve his own situation by betraying the Alphon to the Empire. TD-110 personally killed the Alphon with a blaster before joining the Empire as a stormtrooper.
The Moff orders TD-110 and the other stormtroopers to investigate a security breach in Control Room 327 and restore communications. TD-110 hopes to disable the insurgents' communications. TD-110 designates TD-787 as the pointman for the assault and fights the urge to sneeze. On their way, his unit encounters other troopers heading towards Detention Block AA-23. These include MG-26, a dedicated conscript whose unit supported TD-110's unit on Lothal. Other troopers include the lazy SS-922, the wise and devoted TA-519, and PD-528, who is in debt to TD-110 for credits. They also pass by the "zealot" Darth Vader, whom TD-110 views as an incompetent leader overly focused on the Force.
While en route, TD-110 suddenly recalls that their mission on Tatooine was to find two droids. As he enters the control room, TD-110 hits his head on the doorframe. The room is littered with dead bodies, including that of the stormtrooper TK-421. As TD-110 considers the potential consequences, TD-787 discovers a pair of droids in the supply closet, who are revealed to be C-3PO and R2-D2. The droids manage to convince the other stormtroopers that the rebels had locked them in the closet, and they depart for maintenance. As he waves the droids away, TD-110 remembers that these were the two droids they were searching for. He also recalls that the droids were traveling with an old man who had somehow "spiked" his intake unit.
Hoping to redeem himself, TD-110 raises his blaster at the droids, but the Moff reprimands him and orders him to report to command. TD-110 reluctantly follows his superior's orders while PB-106 takes his weapon. PB-106 and his unit accompany TD-110 to command. While contemplating potential disciplinary actions, TD-110 pledges to fight his way back to the Death Star.