"Born in the Storm" is a short story contained within the anthology From a Certain Point of View. Daniel José Older authored the story, which presents the narrative from the perspective of Sardis Ramsin, a sandtrooper.
The story unfolds as an Imperial incident report, a form typically completed by military personnel. The individual filling out the report, stormtrooper Sardis Ramsin, documents the recent experiences of his squad in Mos Eisley. His tone is noticeably defiant and sarcastic as he recounts how his patrol, Foot Patrol 7, was summoned to search for specific droids. They encounter an old man who easily persuades the patrol leader, TD-110, to allow him, along with a teenager and the droids, to continue on their journey. Subsequently, Ramsin details how he and Tintop, one of his fellow soldiers, disobey regulations by consuming alcoholic beverages while investigating a cantina following a report indicating the droids' presence inside. A Talz patron informs Ramsin and Tintop, through the bartender, that Tusken Raiders had taken the droids away. After the cantina search concludes, Foot Patrol 7 is dispatched to assist in preventing a starship, believed to be carrying the droids, from escaping. As the patrol observes an old freighter taking flight, Ramsin, feeling slightly intoxicated and harboring resentment towards his comrades and his occupation, chooses to leave, returning to the cantina and absconding with a dewback that was waiting outside. He concludes his report by stating that this communication will be the last his former superiors receive from him.