
Muftak, often mistakenly referred to as the Muftak, was a male Talz who was left as a baby on the planet of Tatooine. He operated as a pickpocket in the spaceport of Mos Eisley, along with his associate Kabe. Furthermore, he was a minor spice dealer, an acquaintance of Han Solo, and a frequent visitor to Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina.


Early life

Originally from [Orto Plutonia](/article/orto_plutonia], Muftak, a male Talz, was abandoned as an infant in the spaceport of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine. Growing up, he understood he was different from other [species](/article/species], but had limited understanding of the Talz or his frigid homeworld. His only memory was the contrast between Orto Plutonia and Tatooine's scorching desert, and he had never encountered another Talz. The Abyssin named Myo incorrectly thought "Muftak" was his species' name, leading the residents of Mos Eisley to call him "the Muftak."

Muftak began working as a pickpocket, partnering with Kabe, a female Chadra-Fan. The pair planned their thefts in the spaceport and Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina, which he frequented to escape the heat. They established their residence in the abandoned tunnels below Docking Bay 83, paying rent to Ackmena, the night bartender who knew about their illegal activities. Ackmena, in turn, gave a portion of the earnings to Chalmun, the cantina's owner. During this period, Muftak also worked as a small-time spice dealer, providing narcotics to Dr. Cornelius Evazan that were supplied by the smuggler Han Solo.

By the year 0 BBY, Muftak and Kabe were facing significant financial difficulties. They often shared a table at the cantina with Myo and the Sakiyan bounty hunter Djas Puhr, where Muftak regularly lost money through drinking and gambling at sabacc.

Kloo horn caper

One evening, while heavily intoxicated during a sabacc game, Muftak lost most of his and Kabe's rent money to Puhr. Knowing Myo owed money to both him and Kabe, Muftak stole a kloo horn from the drunk Abyssin (who had won it from Lirin Car'n earlier that night). While Muftak was asleep, Kabe sold the horn to the Scrapper to get enough rent money to satisfy Ackmena, leaving Muftak and Kabe afraid of Myo's anger. Unbeknownst to them, the horn actually belonged to Car'n's father, the renowned musician Lirin D'avi, and its theft triggered a search, with Myo hiring Djas Puhr to retrieve it.

Muftak drinking at Chalmun's Cantina

Muftak went to the cantina to collect his shipment of narcotics from Han Solo and his first mate, Chewbacca, only to learn that his cargo had been abandoned after an encounter with an Imperial patrol. Shortly after, he was confronted by Puhr, Myo, and Car'n, who had gathered at their usual table. During their intense discussion, it became apparent that the group's various problems stemmed from Solo's failure to deliver Muftak's smuggled narcotics. Knowing the bounty hunter Greedo was trying to collect Solo's bounty that day, Puhr wagered on the smuggler's survival, promising to settle everyone's debts if Solo lived.

Meanwhile, a cautious Muftak, relying on Chewbacca for backup in case of violence, went to explain the narcotics situation to the unpredictable Dr. Evazan. However, before he could speak with the doctor, Evazan's companion, Ponda Baba, attacked someone Muftak thought was a "teenage girl"—actually a local farmboy named Luke Skywalker who was seeking a pilot to take him to Alderaan. The fight ended with Skywalker's companion, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, dismembering Baba and injuring Evazan with his lightsaber. Muftak was then free of his debt to Evazan. With Greedo's death at Solo's hands, Djas Puhr presented Car'n's kloo horn, which he had purchased from the Scrapper, resolving the situation.

Personality and traits

Muftak, a towering Talz, stood at 2.1 [meters](/article/meter] tall, with four [black](/article/color] eyes and [gray](/article/color] skin covered in dense, white fur. Although he was aware of his heritage and homeworld, he felt little connection to it on Tatooine and had never encountered another member of his species. He rarely corrected those who assumed he was "a Muftak" instead of a Talz, mostly because he was tired of arguing about it.

Despite the Talz's reputation for being primitive, Muftak was intelligent, knowledgeable, and thoughtful. As a spice dealer, he could calculate the effects of surcharges, tariffs, consideration taxes, delivery costs, and gratuities. However, he had a somewhat pessimistic outlook, stemming from his financial instability. He considered himself unlucky and constantly worried about his and Kabe's living situation and their ability to pay rent.

Muftak shared a close bond with his partner, Kabe. Although he sometimes became annoyed with her, he used his great strength to protect the young and impulsive Kabe from getting into too much trouble.

Behind the scenes

During production, Muftak was nicknamed "Four Eyes" and "Spider-Man" because of his multiple eyes and furry face. He was created for the booth inserts filmed after the main stage photography for the cantina scenes in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, where he was played by mold maker Laine Liska.

According to a 1978 memo, his original name was "Cullatran." However, over a decade later, writer Grant S. Boucher used the name "Muftak" in their 1989 Star Wars Legends supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Galaxy Guide 1: A New Hope. This name became canon when it appeared in the Star Wars: Card Trader digital app, on a card released on September 1, 2015.

