Clone Comms Technician

Clone Comms Technicians


During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars) conflict with the [Confederacy of Independent Systems](/article/confederacy_of_independent_systems), the [Galactic Republic](/article/galactic_republic) employed [clone trooper](/article/clone_trooper) [technicians](/article/technician) known as **Clone Comms Technicians**. These [clone](/article/cloning) specialists played a crucial role in maintaining effective communication, a necessity for any [army](/article/army). They wore specialized versions of [Phase I clone trooper armor](/article/phase_i_clone_trooper_armor), which later evolved into [Phase II clone trooper armor](/article/phase_ii_clone_trooper_armor). The [501st Legion](/article/501st_legion) utilized Clone Comms Technicians during various operations throughout the war.

## Sources

- Standing Out on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
- Star Wars: Legion — Republic Specialists Personnel Expansion (Card: Clone Comms Technician)

## Notes and references
