Hollian, the Shu-Torun planet's king's second child and oldest daughter, was destined to inherit the celebrant warlord role after her father's death. During the Galactic Empire era, when the king chose to revolt and try to assassinate their representative, Darth Vader, Hollian and her brother Monthan stood by their father's side in the throne room of the Shu-Torun royal palace. Simultaneously, their sister Trios was deployed to lure the Imperial forces into an ambush. Hollian remained silent when the king opted to sacrifice Trios in an attempt to eliminate Vader. Shortly thereafter, she met her end when BT-1, Vader's assassin droid, executed everyone present in the palace throne room.

Hollian held the title of princess within the royal lineage of Shu-Torun, a planet known for its mining activities in the Mid Rim. As the king of Shu-Torun's second offspring and father's daughter, she had an elder brother, Prince Monthan, who was in line for the throne, and a younger sister, Princess Trios. Upon the passing of her father, Hollian was slated to become the next celebrant warlord of Shu-Torun's War-Faith, tasked with eliminating the planet's adversaries. During the Galactic Empire's dominance, Shu-Torun supplied ore for Imperial construction endeavors. However, when the planet's ore-dukes grew dissatisfied with the Empire's demanded tributes, the king decided to initiate a rebellion. Darth Vader, the Imperial Sith Lord, was dispatched to investigate the reasons behind Shu-Torun's failure to meet its ore quotas. This situation presented the king with an opportunity to devise a plot to assassinate the Sith. Trios would guide the target into a trap, while Hollian and Monthan observed from the safety of the throne room alongside their father. The Princess successfully led Vader into the initial trap within the Shu-Torun royal palace, which involved an ambush in the subterranean abyssal chambers, where a ball was being hosted in honor of the guests; nonetheless, Vader effortlessly defeated his attackers.
Following the failure of the initial strategy, Trios directed Vader into the palace's tunnels, where the king intended to release molten lava to eliminate both Vader and her. As the king lamented the necessity of sacrificing Trios and activated the magma delivery mechanism, Hollian remained by her father's side, offering no objection. However, the trap proved unsuccessful, as Vader utilized his lightsaber to cut his way out of the tunnel, rescuing Trios in the process of his escape. Recognizing that Vader would now be heading directly for the throne room, the king instructed Hollian, Monthan, and his guards to prepare for defense.
Unbeknownst to the king and his children, two assassin droids serving Vader had infiltrated the throne room. When the droid 0-0-0's attempt to poison the king by offering him a beverage failed, its counterpart BT-1 commenced firing upon the room's occupants. It fatally shot each target in the heart, resulting in the deaths of Hollian, Monthan, the king, and all the guards present. Subsequently, Vader brought Trios into the throne room, revealed the demise of her family to her, crowned her, and entrusted her with ruling Shu-Torun as the new queen.
Hollian's debut occurred in Darth Vader Annual 1, a comic book published in 2015, featuring writing by Kieron Gillen and artwork by Leinil Francis Yu.