Larence Garello

Larence Garello was a male person who held the position of CEO at Garello Technologies, a materials research and manufacturing firm of moderate size. The company was located in the Keftia district on the planet Ab Dalis. As the Great Hyperspace Disaster began with the first Emergence on Ab Dalis, Garello gave the order for all employees and their families to leave the planet aboard a convoy comprised of six of the company's freighters. Garello took his place on the lead vessel, the Arbitrage, under the command of Captain Odabba. The Nihil marauder group attacked the convoy as it was leaving Ab Dalis. Following the destruction of two of Garello's freighters, the Nihil forced their way onto the Arbitrage's bridge, releasing poison gas. Although Garello tried to hold his breath, the poison overwhelmed him.

