
Nelgenam was a planetary body, a planet, that once housed the ancient Lost Library of Nelgenam. In the centuries preceding the rise of the First Order, Nelgenam flourished as a paradise, attracting visitors from all corners of the galaxy. Regrettably, Nihil marauders set the planet ablaze, transforming it into a barren wasteland, and the [library](/article/library] crumbled into disrepair.

The cartographer, known as Emil Graf, successfully retrieved Nelgenam's coordinates from the First Order and embarked on a journey to explore the library. Upon arriving on Nelgenam, Graf encountered a Tarinna, a member of a species that sustained itself by consuming memories. The Tarinna attempted to feast on Graf's vast collection of stories, but with the assistance of his companions, the cartographer managed to defeat it.


Nelgenam was a terrestrial planet that possessed a breathable [atmosphere](/article/atmosphere], and it was orbited by a single moon. Before it was set ablaze, the planet was a paradise world with flourishing terrain; however, it was left barren and desolate, a rocky wasteland. Despite the devastation of Nelgenam, its atmosphere remained breathable, although the planet experienced a severe climate characterized by dark skies and lightning storms. The ruined planet became the habitat of wreck-weavers, arachnids that fed on metal.


Paradise Devastated

Nelgenam before it was torched by Nihil raiders.

The structure that would eventually be known as the Lost Library of Nelgenam was erected on the planet, which drew numerous individuals from parsecs away to witness the library. However, Nihil raiders incinerated the entire planet, rendering it barren and uninhabited. Eventually, the library and its location were lost, fading into legend.

Centuries later, the First Order came into possession of Nelgenam's coordinates. Around the same time, a member of the Tarinna [species](/article/species], a species that subsisted on memories, took up residence on the deserted planet.


The cartographer, Emil Graf, discovered the planet's existence and pilfered the coordinates from the First Order, intending to visit the library. Accompanied by the droids CR-8R and BB-00, as well as the Kowakian monkey-lizard Noni, Graf arrived on Nelgenam aboard his starship, the Star Herald, and entered the Lost Library of Nelgenam. Shortly after their arrival, Graf and his companions were assailed by several ancient librarian droids, which had remained operational long after the library itself had fallen into decay.

Emil Graf knocks over a shelf to stop the Tarinna.

After CR-8R successfully disabled the malfunctioning librarian droids, Graf intended to depart, but he was sidetracked by the discovery of a surviving memory crystal. As Graf reached for the memory crystal, he was confronted by the Tarinna, who deactivated the droids. The Tarinna began to consume the tales Graf had accumulated throughout his travels, leaving the cartographer incapacitated. Noni managed to harness power from the destroyed librarian droids to reactivate CR-8R and BB-00, and CR-8R diverted the Tarinna's attention by promising more stories to devour. The Tarinna released Graf in pursuit of CR-8R, and with the combined efforts of Noni and BB-00, Graf toppled a shelf onto the Tarinna. Graf, along with his companions, escaped Nelgenam aboard the Star Herald, having lost the memories of numerous stories.


Before it was set ablaze by Nihil raiders, Nelgenam welcomed a diverse array of visitors from across the galaxy. Long after the planet's destruction, a Tarinna dwelled within the Lost Library of Nelgenam, patiently waiting to feast on the memories of others. When Emil Graf visited the library, the Tarinna attempted to consume his memories, but it was ultimately defeated thanks to the assistance of Graf's companions.


The Lost Library of Nelgenam, long after the planet's devastation.

The Lost Library of Nelgenam, as it was known following the planet's devastation, was a vast library constructed on Nelgenam. It gained recognition throughout the galaxy, but it fell into ruin after the planet was torched. By the time Emil Graf visited the library, much of its literary collection had been lost. Before Nelgenam's destruction, the library was surrounded by various other structures.

Behind the scenes

Nelgenam made its debut in "The Lost Stories, Part 1," a comic story penned by Cavan Scott, illustrated by David M. Buisán, and published in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30 by IDW Publishing on January 29, 2020.

