Udi Dis was a male Talortai belonging to the Nihil marauder group. Originally from Talor, Dis had previously been a soldier who carried wingblades, the sole remaining item he owned from his homeworld. Being a Talortai, Dis had a natural affinity for the Force, a skill he used to accurately navigate the galaxy, functioning as a navigator for the Nihil.
Dis, an individual who formerly struggled with reedug addiction, worked for the Cloud Scarspike for a number of years. Following a failed attack caused by Scarspike's inadequate planning, Dis committed murder against the Cloud. Afterward, Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro promoted the Talortai to his inner circle, joining Ro on a journey to the planet of Rystan. However, Ro's true intention for bringing Dis along was to examine the effects of the Great Leveler, a creature trapped in ice that Ro intended to retrieve from Rystan, on someone with Force sensitivity. Upon reaching the Leveler's location in the Shrine, Dis was consumed by its immense power, severing his connection to the Force. After being impaled through the chest by a droid guardian of the Shrine, Ro expressed his gratitude for Dis's service and then crushed Dis's head with his foot, resulting in the Talortai's demise.