
The Talortai were a sentient species of avian beings, characterized by their feathered bodies and clawed feet. Their origins trace back to Talor, a tropical world. Notably, the Talortai possessed a strong connection to the Force, utilizing this affinity for precise galactic navigation; however, Talortai navigator Udi Dis lacked the premonition abilities common among the Jedi, despite his Force sensitivity.

Dis, once a soldier, departed from Talor. Eventually, he put his navigational talents to use working for the Nihil marauder group under the command of Eye of the Nihil Marchion Ro. At that time, his only remaining connection to his home was the pair of curved wingblades that he carried with him. Dis went with Ro to the frozen planet Rystan, where Ro's cousin, Kufa, was supposed to guide them to the Shrine. Dis, unaccustomed to cold climates due to his tropical upbringing on Talor, suffered from the frigid temperatures.

Biology and appearance

Talortai were feathered avian beings. They had beaked faces and clawed hands and feet. Their bodies were covered in feathers. They healed at a rapid rate, although the origin of this ability, whether biological or Force-related, was not known.

Society and culture

The Talortai considered the use of their natural Force abilities a forbidden act. They were governed by a council of elders, who deliberately suppressed knowledge of the full extent of their powers. Disobedience was met with harsh penalties.


Around one thousand years prior to 231 BBY, the Sith invaded the Talortai's homeworld, Talor. Viewing the Talortai as rivals, the Sith perpetrated a genocide known as the "great cull". This event decimated the Talortai population, leading to their classification as an endangered species. Subsequently, the elders restricted both their population growth and the use of the Force.

Behind the scenes

Within the new Star Wars canon, the Talortai made their debut in the 2021 novel The High Republic: The Rising Storm, authored by Cavan Scott. Previously, the species appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically in the 2006 video game expansion Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption.

