Tera Sinube's lightsaber

Tera Sinube, a Cosian Jedi Master, possessed a unique lightsaber: a cane lightsaber. This specialized weapon served a dual purpose, functioning as both a walking stick and a means of defense, essential due to his advanced years. The design enabled Sinube to use it as a walking aid until combat became unavoidable, revealing its true nature only when necessary. To activate the weapon, he detached the handle and collar from the shaft, unleashing a pale blue plasma blade. During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Republic and the Separatists, Sinube skillfully employed his lightsaber against the thieving Terrelian Jango Jumper named Cassie Cryar.


Sinube utilizing the completed form of his specialized lightsaber

Tera Sinube, a Jedi Master, used a cane lightsaber because of his advanced age; this was a specialized device that combined a crutch with a lightsaber. The handle of Sinube’s lightsaber was shaped like a T, and it was connected to the shaft along with a collar. Powered by a kyber crystal, the lightsaber produced a very light blue plasma blade that almost appeared white. The intricately carved collar was attached to a shaft that ended in an enlarged ferrule, which gave the aged Cosian more stability and support as he moved. The rounded ferrule had a flat bottom and four protrusions that were placed symmetrically. When fully assembled, the lightsaber was about half as tall as Master Sinube.

Sinube's lightsaber produced a unique light blue blade.

As Force-users grew older and their physical abilities declined, they used devices to ease the strain on their bodies. Some chose to discard their walking sticks in favor of lightsabers when peaceful solutions were insufficient and more forceful negotiations were required. Master Sinube, however, fought with both his cane and lightsaber because they were the same thing. He surprised his opponents, who assumed Sinube was unarmed, by separating the lightsaber from his cane and using both parts together. The lightsaber served as the bladed weapon, while the ferrule at the end of the shaft, which Sinube held in a reverse grip, was an effective club.


Sinube wielding the lightsaber while dueling Cassie Cryar

The lightsaber of Jedi investigator Tera Sinube was constructed before the battle of Saleucami, a galactic conflict during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Sinube used his lightsaber while trying to find the missing lightsaber of Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano in 21 BBY. The two Jedi went through the lower levels of Coruscant, the capital world of the galaxy, and eventually found Cassie Cryar, a Terrelian Jango Jumper, with Tano's weapon. They had to chase her and eventually trapped her on a train. When Cryar tried to attack Sinube with Tano's lightsaber, the Cosian Jedi Master separated the shaft from the handle and collar, revealing his lightsaber blade. Sinube fought Cryar with both parts, using his lightsaber to parry several of her attacks before hitting Cryar in the head with the cane extension like a club. The Jedi took the lightsaber from Cryar and let the police droids arrest the unconscious thief.

Sinube and the younglings witnessing the fierce duel between Skywalker and Offee

Later in the Clone Wars, specifically in 19 BBY, Sinube was supervising a group of younglings training in the courtyard of the Jedi Temple. At this time, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Padawan Barriss Offee's duel moved from the Temple corridors into the courtyard. Sinube activated his lightsaber to defend the younglings and watched as Skywalker defeated the fallen Jedi.

Behind the scenes

Tera Sinube's lightsaber made its initial, albeit brief, appearance alongside its owner in "Grievous Intrigue," the ninth episode of the second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series', which was released on January 1, 2010. The eleventh episode of that season, "Lightsaber Lost," showcased Sinube's saber more extensively and revealed its dual functionality as both a lightsaber and a walking stick.

The Star Wars Legends reference book The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia (2010) provided details about the device, specifically identifying Sinube's lightsaber as a "sabercane" and stating that its hilt was made of Cosian wood. The "sabercane" concept was reintroduced into Star Wars canon when Sinube's lightsaber was identified as a "cane lightsaber" in the 2017 reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia.

