Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia serves as a visual companion, offering insights into the characters featured in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, much like the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia. This reference book provides detailed information on 204 characters spanning from season 1 through season 2 of the show. Dorling Kindersley released it to the public on June 21, 2010.

Summary from the Publisher

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia is designed to be your comprehensive source for details on both prominent and lesser-known heroes, villains, droids, and creatures inhabiting the vibrant and thrilling world of The Clone Wars animated series. Published by DK, the book highlights key characters such as Anakin and Ahsoka, alongside minor figures like Kin Robb. It encompasses familiar characters from The Clone Wars movie (greetings, Ziro), the initial season (Dr. Nuvo Vindi, perhaps?), and new faces introduced in the second season (such as the enigmatic Pre Vizsla). Each of the more than 200 entries is filled with interesting facts and statistics, providing you with essential knowledge. DK Books planned to release this reference book for young readers in the summer of 2010.

Canon Inconsistencies

This guide features a number of inaccuracies:

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