The Jedi tomb was situated within the confines of Fortress Inquisitorius. During the rescue of Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi came across these tombs.
Within the tomb were the deceased bodies of numerous Jedi who perished during the Great Jedi Purge, ranging from esteemed Jedi Masters like Pablo-Jill and Tera Sinube, to even younglings who were killed during the siege of the Jedi Temple.
The corpses were openly on display within a corridor located in the depths of the Fortress, preserved and turned to stone within blocks of crystallized amber. The Inquisitorius employed similar methods of preserving Jedi remains elsewhere, for example, with Luminara Unduli at the Spire on Stygeon Prime. This corridor was protected by two blast doors adorned with red Imperial crests, and access was granted through the utilization of code cylinders.
In 9 BBY, while covertly navigating the Fortress in search of Leia Organa's location, Obi-Wan Kenobi unexpectedly discovered the corridor filled with deceased Jedi. Profoundly disturbed by this discovery, Kenobi communicated the tomb's existence to his ally Tala Durith via comlinks, even describing the entire Fortress Inquisitorius as a tomb.
The Jedi tombs made their initial appearance in the fourth episode of the 2022 television program Obi-Wan Kenobi.