Arath Tarrex

Arath Tarrex existed in the Republic Era as a male Jedi initiate. A frequent source of conflict for Arath was Dooku during their time as younglings (they both belonged to the Hawk-Bat Clan); this was fueled by Arath's envy of Dooku's superior intellect and combat skills. Jedi Master Yula Braylon was Arath's mother.

Around 86 BBY, Arath was not chosen to become a Padawan after the Initiate Trials, and was therefore required to wait another year for reconsideration. Before the trials, Arath derided Dooku for his desire to have Lene Kostana present at the event, knowing that Dooku wished to become her apprentice.

Arath eventually fell into disgrace when his corrupt behavior was revealed. It came to light that Arath was corrupt, having stolen from the ambassador Ketas during talks on Station Zeta located on Plin Minor (an act that caused the collapse of negotiations between the Plinovian and Solodo species) in order to settle his gambling debts. Furthermore, he had exploited his mother's position to prevent further debt accumulation. Consequently, the Jedi High Council imposed a sentence of labor in the Jedi Archives as his punishment.

Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, exposed his dishonesty. They confronted Arath in the Jedi Archives before the Temple Guards escorted him to the Chamber of Judgment. However, before his departure, Dooku requested that Jinn remain with Arath.

Behind the scenes

Arath made an appearance in the 2019 audiobook titled Dooku: Jedi Lost, authored by Cavan Scott.

