During the era of the Galactic Republic (see: time), the Plinovian and Solodoe species convened for a summit at Station Zeta. The Solodoe desired to initiate terraforming operations on the planet Plin Minor; however, this would result in the vast destruction of the Plinovians' native environment. The Jedi Order intervened to aid in the negotiation process, dispatching Jedi Rael Averross and Arath Tarrex as diplomats. After a duration of six months, the discussions reached an impasse when Tarrex, who had accumulated a significant debt at the station's casino, absconded with the precious [mythra](/article/mythra] seal of office belonging to the Solodoe ambassador, Ketas. Subsequently, Ketas accused the Plinovian ambassador of the transgression, which incited the gaseous Plinovian to spontaneously self-combust. Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, who happened to be present on the station at that time, successfully uncovered Tarrex's theft of the seal; nevertheless, the negotiations were irreparably damaged.