Station Zeta

Station Zeta, alternatively referred to as Zeta, functioned as a space station during the Galactic Republic's era. This station served as a location of neutrality for discussions between the Plinovian and Solodoe races, concerning the terraforming efforts on the world Plin Minor, with the Jedi Order's assistance.

The discussions continued for six months without any resolution. Subsequently, Arath Tarrex, a Jedi envoy, pilfered the Solodoe ambassador's Ketas's official mythra seal to settle his wagering debts. Ketas then accused the Plinovian ambassador of the theft. The gaseous Plinovian, becoming agitated, spontaneously combusted. Dooku, a Jedi Master, along with Jedi Knight Rael Averross and Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, exposed Tarrex as the perpetrator and recovered the seal, but the negotiations were irrevocably damaged.


Station Zeta, also known simply as Zeta, was a space station. As a stopover point, Zeta was equipped to accommodate starships.


Abrupt End to Negotiations

During the Galactic Republic period, Station Zeta served as the venue for a summit between the Plinovians and the Solodoe, both sapient species. These species both asserted rights to the planet Plin Minor; the Solodoe desired to terraform it, a process that would devastate the Plinovians' native environment. Station Zeta was chosen as a neutral setting for discussions between Ketas, the Solodoe ambassador, and the Plinovian ambassador, even though Ketas wanted negotiations on Plin. The Jedi Order dispatched Rael Averross, a Jedi Knight, and Arath Tarrex, a Diplomat, to aid in the summit.

During his stay on Station Zeta, Tarrex, a gambling addict, incurred debts at the Chance Encounters casino. After six months of unproductive negotiations, Tarrex stole Ambassador Ketas's valuable mythra seal of office from his cruiser, the Luster. Ketas then accused the Plinovian ambassador of the theft, causing the agitated gaseous being to self-combust, resulting in an explosion on the station and injuries to the Solodoe ambassador. Although Tanu, the Solodoe security chief, discovered Tarrex's culpability, the Jedi diplomat employed the Force to wipe the security records and erase Tanu's memory of doing so. Averross, along with Dooku, a Jedi Master, and his Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn, who were passing through Zeta at the time of the incident, tried to uncover the truth, while Tarrex was tasked with managing the cleanup.

Revealing the Truth

Despite Ketas's desire to leave Station Zeta, abandon the talks, and proceed with terraforming, the Jedi spoke with Tanu, who mentioned the record deletion and gaps in his memory. Suspecting Tarrex and knowing that Tanu had played sabacc at the casino, the Jedi sent Jinn to investigate. Jinn found Tarrex in the lower levels, where the Jedi diplomat was fighting off an enforcer droid sent to collect his debt. The Padawan suggested joining Tarrex for a sabacc game. Although Tarrex was reluctant to involve Jinn in the casino, he offered to host a game in his quarters within Station Zeta.

When Jinn arrived for the game, Dooku and Averross followed him and accused Tarrex of stealing the seal. Despite Tarrex's denial, the Jedi found the seal, confirming his guilt. Averross contacted Master Yula Braylon, who instructed Dooku to bring Tarrex back to the Jedi on Coruscant. Braylon asked Averross to return the seal and try to salvage the situation, though she suspected that neither species would trust the Jedi and that the failed negotiations would need to be transferred to the Republic.


Station Zeta featured multiple levels; level twenty was one of the lower levels, housing the Chance Encounters casino. The station also provided visitor quarters and conference rooms, which contained a terminal.

Behind the scenes

Station Zeta debuted in a flashback within the audio drama Dooku: Jedi Lost, written by Cavan Scott and released on April 30, 2019. The precise spelling of its name was revealed in the script of Dooku: Jedi Lost, published on October 1 of that year.

