Kylo Ren's TIE whisper

Kylo Ren's TIE whisper, a TIE/wi modified interceptor, served as the personal starship of Kylo Ren, the Supreme Leader of the First Order, during the war against the Resistance. This ship was the one he piloted to Pasaana for his confrontation with Rey; during this encounter, the Jedi trainee severed a wing with her lightsaber, resulting in its destruction, though Ren survived the crash. Subsequently, whether rebuilt or replaced by an identical craft, Ren used it to travel to Kef Bir following Rey's journey there to retrieve the wayfinder. After their duel amidst the wreckage of the second Death Star, Rey commandeered the TIE Whisper, leaving Ren stranded on the moon. She then flew it to Ahch-To, where she destroyed the TIE Whisper a second time by setting it ablaze on the shores of the Temple island, intending to go into exile.


Kylo Ren in his TIE whisper on Pasaana

During the war that pitted the First Order against the Resistance, the TIE whisper became operational. Notably, Ren utilized one, superseding his TIE/vn space superiority fighter. Using his new TIE whisper, Ren journeyed to Exegol, where he met with Darth Sidious. Sidious revealed the Sith Eternal's fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, known as the Final Order, and tasked Ren with eliminating Rey to extinguish the Jedi Order. Later, Ren employed his TIE to engage Rey, the Jedi, on the desert world of Pasaana. During this encounter, she leaped over his vessel and severed a wing, causing a crash. Ren subsequently piloted an identical TIE model to Kef Bir, where he once more confronted Rey in a lightsaber battle. After defeating and injuring him, Rey seized the TIE and flew it to Ahch-To, where she incinerated it, vowing to follow the path of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and isolate herself on the island. However, Skywalker's Force spirit appeared and persuaded her to continue the fight. Rey then recovered the wayfinder from the wreckage and departed the planet in Luke's old X-wing starfighter.

