
Cardovyte, a celestial body situated within the Outer Rim Territories, was renowned for its Crystal Chaos, a landscape dominated by crystalline stalagmites. During the First Order-Resistance War in 35 ABY, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron, piloting the Millennium Falcon freighter, navigated the Crystal Chaos of Cardovyte via hyperspace skipping. This maneuver was executed to evade pursuing First Order TIE fighters that were pursuing them after their escape from the Sinta Glacier Colony.


Located in the Outer Rim Territories at grid reference M-6 on the Standard Galactic Grid, Cardovyte was home to the astronomical feature known as the Crystal Chaos. This area was characterized by a vast, cavernous environment filled with a dense forest of shimmering, translucent crystal stalagmites, posing a significant threat to passing starships. Two stars were visible from Cardovyte: one yellow and a smaller, red star, bathing the area in a reddish light. The bright red star emitted heat, illuminating the stalagmite forest and causing reflections off the crystal surfaces.


By the time of the First Order-Resistance War, the Crystal Chaos of Cardovyte had gained galactic fame, becoming a popular setting for holo-adventures. In 35 ABY, [Poe Dameron](/article/poe_dameron], a pilot involved in a Resistance mission to the Sinta Glacier Colony, found himself pursued by First Order TIE fighters. Employing hyperspace skipping aboard the Millennium Falcon freighter, Dameron unexpectedly materialized within the Crystal Chaos' stalagmite field. Finn, another member of the Resistance, recognized the location from holo-adventures and alerted Dameron, who expertly piloted the Millennium Falcon through the maze of stalagmites. The pursuing TIEs fired upon the freighter, striking several stalagmites. Some TIEs crashed into the stalagmites and were destroyed, after which Dameron initiated the hyperdrive once more, arriving at the Mirror-Spires of Ivexia.

Behind the scenes

Cardovyte made its debut in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, part of the sequel trilogy. Further details about Cardovyte were provided in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book written by Pablo Hidalgo.

