
The Mirror-Spires located on Ivexia were a collection of radiant white towers, notable for their many reflecting planes. During an attempt to evade First Order military forces in the year 35 ABY, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron executed a hyperspace skip from the chaotic Crystal Chaos of Cardovyte directly to the spires, while being chased by multiple TIE/wi Interceptors. While aboard the Falcon, Finn, a member of the Resistance, observed a readout identifying the spires. The reflective surfaces made it challenging to discern the actual number of pursuing starfighters and distinguish between real towers and their reflections. Dameron narrowly averted a crash, witnessing several TIEs collide, before initiating another jump of the Falcon to the Typhonic Nebula.

Behind the scenes

The Mirror-Spires made their initial appearance in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the 2019 movie from the sequel trilogy. Their identification was first established in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a reference book that accompanied the film, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The spires' design was inspired by artwork created by Ralph McQuarrie for The Illustrated Star Wars Universe.

