Bazine Netal was the assumed name of a human female mercenary. She originated on the Inner Rim planet of Chaaktil, where she spent her childhood in an orphanage. Her training commenced under Delphi Kloda, a former Kanjiklub pirate, at his combat school. She progressed to become a bounty hunter and ultimately killed Kloda, her one-time instructor, during a specific mission. Approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor, she was present within Takodana Castle. Netal provided the First Order with information regarding BB-8's presence at Kanata's castle.
The human who would later be known as Bazine Netal was born on the Inner Rim world Chaaktil in 2 BBY; her given name was a secret she would maintain throughout her life. As a child, Delphi Kloda removed her from an orphanage in Chaako City and raised her at his combat school, where she mastered various forms of lethal martial arts. During this time, Kloda gave her the moniker "Chaakrabbit."
At the age of fourteen years, Kloda tasked her with stealing an item from a rival of his. Her target quickly detected the inexperienced thief, who was singed by a flamethrower. Despite this, she managed to kill her attacker and fulfill her objective, though she sustained burn scars on the left side of her head.
Subsequently, "Chaakrabbit" gained notoriety as a formidable bounty hunter and a master of disguise, receiving instruction from teachers besides Kloda. Eventually, she adopted the alias "Bazine Netal." Her base of operations was Suli's cantina on Chaaktil.

Six years following her departure from Chaako City, Netal received an assignment from an undisclosed client. The mission involved retrieving a steel case held by Jor Tribulus, a former Imperial stormtrooper. Netal's client cautioned her about a competitor known as "Narglatch" who was also pursuing the case.
Netal approached Kloda to borrow his ship, the Sparrowhawk. Kloda agreed, stipulating that his student, the skilled Pantoran slicer Orri Tenro, accompany her on the mission as part of his training. Reluctantly, Netal conceded, hoping Tenro's slicing skills would outweigh the potential risk he posed to her mission. En route to the planet Vashka, Tenro proved to be inept at everything except computers.
Upon arriving on Vashka, Netal and Tenro infiltrated the medcenter where Tribulus had last been recorded as a patient. They successfully obtained the location of Tribulus's retirement facility. Before heading to the facility, Netal injected Tenro with a poison rendering him unconscious.
Netal discovered that apidactyls had overrun the retirement home. She gained entry by distracting the creatures with a thermal detonator. Inside, she encountered Aric Nightdrifter, a retired stormtrooper residing in the building, who guided her to Tribulus's remains.
Unexpectedly, Kloda appeared, revealing himself as Narglatch and stating that he had trained Netal solely to pursue the case so he could steal it. After seizing the case from Tribulus's corpse and disarming Netal, Kloda trapped her in apidactyl wax and fled.
Using materials Nightdrifter had buried with Tribulus, Netal managed to escape the building. She threw a detonator ahead of Kloda's narglatch, creating a hole in the ground and trapping Kloda. Following a brief confrontation, Netal killed Kloda and returned to the Sparrowhawk with the case.

During the First Order's conflict with the Resistance, Netal functioned as a spy with a direct communication channel to the First Order. Stationed at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana, Netal pretended to be Grummgar's girlfriend.
When the Millennium Falcon's captain Han Solo arrived with the fugitives Rey, Finn, and BB-8 in 34 ABY, she informed the Order about the wanted droid's presence, mirroring a Resistance-sympathetic spy's report to their organization. Shortly thereafter, the First Order military assaulted the location, initiating the first battle of the First Order-Resistance War.

Subsequently, Netal was contracted to locate the Millennium Falcon. After hearing a claim that IG-88 had almost captured it, she met with IG-88 to discuss the Millennium Falcon. During their conversation, IG-88 recounted the time he nearly apprehended the Falcon with Agent Kallus. IG-88 also stated that he almost had the Millennium Falcon again, but Boba Fett secured Solo and the Falcon first. Netal responded that IG-88 offered too many excuses and that her employer only compensated for results. Before departing to continue her search, Netal informed IG-88 that someone knew the Falcon's location and would reveal it to her.
Netal later encountered two droids, Doc and Teetee. They recounted a story of encountering the Millennium Falcon on Lotho Minor. After the story, Netal dismissed it as irrelevant. When she inquired about the Falcon's location, they admitted they hadn't seen it since Lotho Minor. Netal grew angry, but Teetee mentioned that the bounty hunter Embo had interacted with her target. Netal left to find Embo.
Netal traveled to Felucia and located Embo. Aware that Embo's funding from the New Republic had ceased, she proposed a deal to the Kyuzo: in exchange for credits, he would provide information about his encounter with the Millennium Falcon. After Embo told Netal a story of when he failed to capture the Falcon on a space station not long after the Battle of Endor, Netal questioned why it had been so difficult to capture one ship. Following Embo's response, Netal replied that she would do more than try and capture it, she would succeed. After paying Embo the credits they agreed upon, he told her that he had heard the ship had surfaced somewhere. Intrigued by Embo's information, Netal added that if there was anyone that wanted to capture the Falcon as much as her employer, it would be "her". Netal then set off for her next destination.

Upon reaching Corellia, Netal captured a skilled White Worms child to force Lady Proxima to speak about the Millennium Falcon. She threatened to kill Proxima and the child if she didn't provide information. Proxima recounted a story of Han's return to Corellia for parts for the Millennium Falcon. During this, Moloch, serving the White Worms, captured Han and Chewbacca and brought them to Proxima. Proxima told Han he would be punished because he owed her coaxium and had given her face scars from the sunlight. Chewbacca gave Han a thermal detonator which he used to explode the window which brought in sunlight. The sunlight damaged Proxima's face again and blinded her right eye as Han and Chewbacca made their escape. After the story, Netal became frustrated about that they did not capture the Millennium Falcon. Proxima suggested that Netal visit Gannis Ducain on Jakku, as she understood he had gotten his hands on the Falcon at one point.
Netal located Ducain and heard his account of stealing the Falcon from Solo and its time with him, ultimately learning that Ducain was trying to return it to Solo, before the Irving Boys stole it from him. After the story, Ducain left to join the Resistance and Netal became mad. As she left, Proxima contacted Netal saying that she had found the Falcon and that Netal should find Hondo Ohnaka on Batuu with it.

Bazine Netal possessed intelligence and a calculating nature, qualities that proved advantageous in her profession. She was also elusive, adept at portraying unassuming aliens and concealing her background from others.
Bazine Netal was a human female with a height of 1.7 meters. She had black [hair](/article/hair], dark [eyes](/article/eye], and fair skin.
Netal employed Rishi eel ink to mask her fingerprints. She also stored several compact thermal detonators within the hidden compartments of her boots.
Bazine Netal debuted in the short story "The Perfect Weapon," authored by Delilah S. Dawson. She was played by Anna Brewster in Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens.