The pirate, Delphi Kloda, who was no longer active, tasked his fourteen-year-old apprentice, Bazine Netal, with her inaugural mission: pilfering from one of his rivals (who was male). Netal tried to use her attractiveness to beguile the target, but he quickly discerned her scheme and retaliated with a flamethrower. Despite sustaining burns on the left portion of her head and losing a significant amount of her hair, Netal was still able to pull out a knife from each of her boots and kill the rival, successfully stealing the item Kloda had instructed her to obtain. Subsequently, she recounted her confrontation with the rival to Orri Tenro, who was training to be a spy, to impart the significance of remaining undetected during an operation.
The short story "The Perfect Weapon," penned by Delilah S. Dawson and published as an eBook in 2015, initially mentioned the rival without providing his name.