Aric Nightdrifter, also identified as TK-1403, was a male human stormtrooper. He fought for the Galactic Empire as part of the Stormtrooper Corps, serving under the command of Captain Jor Tribulus during the battle that took place on the moon of Endor against the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Following the Empire's loss in the battle, and the subsequent rise of the New Republic, Nightdrifter was placed in the care of Vashka Valley Retirement Facility 48, an institution situated on the planet Vashka. During his time at the asylum, Vashkan apidactyls, savage insectoids, invaded and transformed the facility into an enormous nest covered in wax. The staff evacuated, leaving Nightdrifter and the other patients to face the apidactyls alone. He, along with a few other patients, sought refuge and survived in the building's basement. However, one by one, the insectoids killed the other survivors, encasing their bodies in wax cells. Eventually, Bazine Netal, a mercenary, found Nightdrifter in his isolated state. She compelled him to reveal the location of Tribulus' body so she could locate a steel case that the captain had possessed. After Netal retrieved the case from the wax cell containing Tribulus' remains, Delphi Kloda, Netal's former mentor and rival in the search for the case, incapacitated Nightdrifter. Kloda then seized the case, trapped his former student in the wax cell, and alerted the apidactyls to her presence. The insects descended upon the cells, resulting in Nightdrifter's death, while Netal managed to escape. She ultimately killed Kloda, thus avenging the deceased stormtrooper.
Aric Nightdrifter's debut was in the short story titled "The Perfect Weapon," which was penned by Delilah S. Dawson and released as an eBook in 2015.