Vashka was a world situated within the galaxy, known for its extensive coverage of trees and mountains. Small towns were scattered along the edges of its seas. In ancient times, it was home to diverse megafauna, which were eventually hunted to extinction to ensure the safety of the sentient population. However, despite the locals' extensive efforts, the Vashkan apidactyl proved impossible to completely eliminate. Much of its once-dangerous forest was transformed into orderly rows of ferns, palm trees, and sunburst flowers. The planet featured only one major urban center, Vashka City.
Following the collapse of the Galactic Empire, numerous former [stormtroopers](/article/stormtrooper], traumatized by the war, needed a secure place to spend their remaining years. To address this need, the New Republic acquired significant land areas on planets located in the Outer Rim to construct retirement homes. One such establishment was Vashka Valley Retirement Facility 48, which later became overrun by a nest of deadly Vashkan apidactyls, leading to the evacuation of much of its personnel.
Bazine Netal, a bounty hunter hailing from the planet Chaaktil, received a mission to recover a container belonging to Jor Tribulus, an ex-stormtrooper captain who had lived in Retirement Facility 48 before succumbing to the apidactyls.