A tavern existed within the oldest settlement located on the planet of Dantooine. It featured tables, lamps, and also displayed neon signage. Around 381 BBY, Marda Ro, the Evereni leader of pirates, paid a visit while searching for others of her species. She took note of a human and, recognizing the human as someone familiar with the Evereni, inquired about their whereabouts. The human informed her that approximately a year earlier, he had observed a pair of Evereni on a station in orbit around the moon of Pantora. Ro later referenced this tavern in a recorded message for her descendants, which her great-great-grandson Marchion Ro listened to by 252 BBY.
The tavern was situated within the oldest settlement found on the planet Dantooine in the Outer Rim Territories. Inside, tables were illuminated by lamps powered by a generator on the roof; despite this, the interior remained dimly lit. Neon signs also adorned the building, casting a brown hue on the synth-smoke in the air.

Marda Ro, the Evereni who founded a group of pirates that would later become known as the Nihil, visited the tavern around 381 BBY. She was on a quest to find other members of her species. While there, Ro ordered a bowl of tea and a mug of local beer, consuming the tea but leaving the beer as an invitation. As Ro sat, she was stared at and confronted by a Devaronian, to whom she responded by throwing the beer in his face. Fori Nagor, a Twi'lek, noticed Ro as she passed by, pausing briefly before continuing on.
Eventually, Ro spotted a human across the room, who kept glancing at her while speaking with his Rodian companion. Recognizing him as someone familiar with the Evereni, Ro approached the human and asked about locating others of her kind. Though initially hesitant, he revealed that he had seen a pair of Evereni on a station close to the moon Pantora approximately a year prior. As Ro departed, she was followed by Nagor, whom she confronted in an alley within the settlement. Ro later mentioned the tavern when describing her trip to Dantooine in a message recorded for her descendants. By 252 BBY, Marchion Ro, her great-great-grandson, had listened to her journal as a youth, including the entry referencing the tavern.
The tavern was depicted in a flashback within the short story "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," authored by Tessa Gratton and featured in the 2023 young-adult anthology titled The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life. This anthology is part of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.