Unidentified human (Marda Ro)

A member of the human race existed in the era known as the High Republic Era. In the vicinity of 382 BBY, this individual was present on a space station that orbited near the moon Pantora, where they observed a pair of Evereni. Approximately a year afterwards, this same person was inside a public house located within the oldest settlement on the planet Dantooine, seated at a table alongside a Rodian. During this time, the Evereni pirate leader Marda Ro made an appearance at the public house as part of her search to locate other members of her species. When she inquired about the whereabouts of Evereni, he reluctantly provided information about the two Evereni he had previously encountered near Pantora. At a later point, Ro included a reference to this individual in a message that she recorded for her descendants. Her great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to this recording by 252 BBY.


Marda Ro (pictured) questioned the human about Evereni.

The human was present on a space station that was in orbit around the moon Pantora circa 382 BBY. It was there that he witnessed a pair of Evereni. About a year later, he was sitting with a Rodian at a table inside a public house. This public house was situated within the oldest settlement that existed on the planet Dantooine. While the pair were drinking, Marda Ro – the Evereni who founded a pirate group that would eventually become the Nihil – came to the establishment during her search to find more of her species. During the human's conversation with his Rodian companion, Ro noticed that his gaze kept drifting toward her. Prompted by Ro's questions, the human and his Rodian companion agreed that they would not look for Evereni, but the human eventually recounted his encounter with the species approximately a year prior. He then tipped his blaster up to signal that he was done talking, and Ro left the public house.

Later, she included a mention of the human in a message she recorded for her descendants while recounting her visit to the public house. By 252 BBY, during his youth, Ro's great-great-grandson Marchion Ro had listened to her journal, including the message where the human was mentioned.

Personality and traits

This human possessed dark eyes and skin that was pale. Ro thought the faint glitter painted on his cheeks was nice. He had some familiarity with the Evereni and held a dislike for them; regardless, he did not appear to be afraid of them.


During his conversation with Ro, the human was in possession of a blaster. He used this blaster to indicate that he was finished with their conversation.

Behind the scenes

This human made an appearance in a flashback within the short story titled "A Closed Fist Has No Claws." The story was penned by Tessa Gratton and was included in the 2023 young-adult anthology, The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life, as part of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

