Unidentified settlement (Dantooine)

A community situated on the planet of Dantooine held the distinction of being the most ancient town on the world during the High Republic Era. It featured a spaceport dedicated to commerce and a tavern for social gatherings. In approximately 381 BBY, the Evereni buccaneer chieftain Marda Ro made a visit to this community while on her quest to locate other members of her species. She interrogated a human who possessed knowledge of the Evereni. Furthermore, she enlisted the Twi'lek named Fori Nagor into her group of pirates. Subsequently, Ro documented her experiences in the community within a diary intended for her kin. By 252 BBY, her great-great-grandson, Marchion Ro, had listened to the diary, including the segment that referenced the community.


This town was located on the planet Dantooine, which is part of the Outer Rim Territories, and was frequented by beings of all types. Although it was the oldest settlement on the planet at that juncture, it remained relatively small despite its long history. A tavern and a spaceport facilitated trade; however, the settlement's primary exports consisted of meat and exotic animals sourced from a nearby rainforest.


The Evereni Marda Ro (pictured) visited the settlement in search of other Evereni.

In the vicinity of 381 BBY, Marda Ro, the Evereni instigator of a piratical band that would ultimately evolve into the Nihil, paid a visit to the community as she was searching for others of her species. During this visit, she purchased a nail file crafted from the bone of a creature referred to as an irisophant from a youth operating a stall beside a road. She also patronized the community's tavern, where a human provided her with information regarding a pair of Evereni he had observed on a space station situated near the moon of Pantora approximately a year prior. Upon departing the tavern, Ro was pursued by the Twi'lek named Fori Nagor, who expressed a desire to touch her. Ro confronted Nagor in an alley located elsewhere within the community and extended an offer for Nagor to join her pirate band. Nagor accepted this offer in exchange for a kiss, and Ro subsequently escorted her to her vessel, the Gaze Electric.

Later on, Ro chronicled her visit to the community in a recording intended for her progeny. By 252 BBY, during his younger years, Ro's great-great-grandson, Marchion Ro, had listened to her recording, including the segment where the community was mentioned.

Behind the scenes

This community was featured in a flashback sequence within the short story titled "A Closed Fist Has No Claws," penned by Tessa Gratton and included in the 2023 young-adult collection The High Republic: Tales of Light and Life as a component of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

