Kath hound

Kath hounds, a pack-hunting canine species native to the planet of Dantooine, were known for their ability to be domesticated. Standing approximately one meter tall, these creatures possessed distinguishing features such as cloven hooves, dense fur, and formidable jaws. Various subspecies of kath hounds existed, some exhibiting prominent, curved horns. Despite efforts by some xenobiologists to differentiate varieties based on strength or danger levels, all members of this species were inherently deadly predators, particularly when operating as a coordinated pack.

Efforts to enhance the species through breeding or genetic manipulation, resulting in breeds such as the extremely aggressive and difficult-to-control salky hounds, yielded limited success. Over time, kath hounds became less common on Dantooine, largely due to their capture and use as domestic companions or security animals.

Captain Cardinal of the First Order compared Captain Phasma to a kath hound that could be leashed, in contrast, General Armitage Hux believed he had a rancor waiting for the gate to open.

