Always Two There Are

"Always Two There Are" represents the fifth installment of the Star Wars Rebels animated television program's second season. As a whole, it is the series' twentieth episode. This episode was initially broadcast on October 28, 2015 via the Disney XD network.

Official description

Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper, acting on intelligence provided by Rex, journey to a derelict Republic medical facility with the objective of procuring essential provisions. The stakes escalate dramatically when they are confronted by novel adversaries.

Plot summary

Avoiding a dispute

Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger enter the Ghost's communal area to practice telekinesis, with Chopper as the intended subject. Following Kanan's instruction, Bridger attempts to use the Force to elevate Chopper. Simultaneously, Garazeb Orrelios and Rex engage in a game of dejarik. Rex emerges victorious, leading Orrelios to suggest he might have conceded the win. Unbeknownst to the two Jedi, Sabine Wren had instructed Chopper to secure his feet to the floor, rendering Bridger's efforts futile. Eventually, Ezra relinquishes his attempt, at which point Rex reveals the prank, prompting laughter from the instigators. Bridger protests the unfairness of the trick, but Jarrus retorts that combat is seldom equitable. Rex regales Bridger with tales of the Jedi General he served alongside, emphasizing how he achieved greatness by melding the Force with his intellect. Jarrus counters that Bridger possesses ample intelligence but requires discipline. Before their exchange can devolve into a quarrel, Hera Syndulla interrupts with an assignment for Wren, Chopper, and Orrelios: to retrieve medical supplies from a long-abandoned Republic medical station. As Jarrus and Rex persist in their disagreement over Bridger's training, the Padawan decides to secretly join Wren, Chopper, and Orrelios on their mission. They embark aboard the Phantom, departing from the fleet.

Upon reaching their destination, an antiquated Republic medical station abandoned after the Clone Wars, they approach the hangar bay doors. Utilizing the access codes provided by Rex, they gain entry and land within the hangar. Upon disembarking from the Phantom, they discover the station to be unpowered, shrouded in darkness, and generally unsettling. To restore power, the quartet sets out to locate the command center. The corridors are dim and silent, littered with discarded equipment and machinery left behind after the station's abandonment. Unbeknownst to them, an ID9 seeker droid is monitoring their every action. Wren detects its presence when she pauses to adorn a wall with her phoenix symbol. The rebels soon locate the command center, and Chopper activates the station's power, despite Sabine's intention to only power the control panel. Simultaneously, a nearby Imperial Star Destroyer detects the station's sudden power surge. The reporting officer suspects Rebel activity, but Agent Kallus dismisses the notion, suggesting alternative explanations such as malfunctions or scavengers. However, the Fifth Brother asserts that the rebels are their target and departs alone for the station.

Upon returning to the station, Wren successfully retrieves the inventory data, but finds it largely corrupted and illegible, leaving her uncertain about the location, or even the existence, of the medical supplies. Bridger suggests a search for the supplies, while Chopper remains behind to attempt data recovery. During their search, Bridger and Orrelios engage in a dispute over whether Bridger's Force abilities grant him an inherent advantage. When Bridger challenges Orrelios to a competition to locate the supplies first, Orrelios retorts that they will likely overlook them, which he promptly does, passing by a room filled with crates of supplies. Alone, Chopper hears an unusual sound echoing through the corridors and decides to investigate. Venturing into another corridor, he follows the sound until he is ambushed by a seeker droid, which electrocutes him. The seeker droid then uses Chopper to transmit a distress signal, intended to lure the others. To expedite their arrival, Bridger and Wren take a shortcut through the ventilation shafts, but Orrelios becomes lodged while attempting to follow. Bridger and Wren soon find themselves in another hallway and begin searching for Chopper. Instead of their droid, they encounter the seeker droid and a figure lurking in the shadows. Initially, Bridger suspects a bounty hunter, but upon activating her lightsaber, she is revealed to be an Inquisitor known as the Seventh Sister.


Bridger engages the newly revealed Inquisitor in combat, while Wren confronts her seeker droids. Quickly overwhelmed, they attempt to escape, encountering the Fifth Brother in the process. After forcing open a locked door, they attempt to flee, but the Seventh Sister uses the Force to restrain Bridger, ordering her droids to hold him. Wren attempts to rescue him, but Bridger urges her to flee. To facilitate her escape, he seals the door, leaving himself to be captured by the two Inquisitors. The Fifth Brother attempts to kill him, but the Seventh Sister intends to use him as bait to capture the others. Wren makes her way back to Orrelios, who remains trapped in the ventilation shaft.

After assisting Orrelios in freeing himself, Wren informs him about the two Inquisitors who have captured Bridger. Orrelios proposes alerting Jarrus, but Wren opposes contacting the others, fearing that a signal could compromise the fleet. They are left with no alternative but to rescue Bridger themselves. Meanwhile, Bridger remains captive to the Seventh Sister, who expresses admiration for his Jedi skills, particularly his resistance to a mind probe. She offers to provide him with further instruction, noting that his mentor never achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and is therefore unqualified to train a Padawan. Bridger then references Jarrus's defeat of the Grand Inquisitor, an event that the Seventh Sister concedes was unexpected but created "new opportunities" for the other Inquisitors.

In the corridors, the Fifth Brother continues his search for Orrelios and Wren, utilizing the seeker droids. Through the Force, he senses their proximity and approaches. Orrelios and Wren have strategically placed thermal detonators, but when Wren attempts to activate them, they fail to detonate because the Fifth Brother sensed them, using the Force to disable the explosives. He then uses the detonators against Orrelios and Wren and, while both survive the resulting explosion, the blast renders Wren unconscious. She is taken away by the Fifth Brother, who leaves the seeker droids to deal with Orrelios. Orrelios quickly destroys the droids and locates the medical supplies they sought. Back at the command center, the Seventh Sister interrogates Bridger, attempting to extract the location of the other Rebels, particularly Ahsoka Tano, whom she reveals the Inquisitors are aware of. Bridger is shocked to learn that the Empire knows about Tano, and attempts to feign ignorance. Despite the Seventh Sister's efforts, Bridger refuses to cooperate. Just then, the Fifth Brother arrives with Wren. The Seventh Sister instructs Bridger to contact the Rebels, but he again refuses. She also falsely claims that Orrelios is dead. After locating Chopper, Orrelios returns to the Phantom to retrieve his bo-rifle, but doubts his ability to defeat two Inquisitors. Nonetheless, he resolves not to abandon Bridger and Wren to their fates.


Zeb sends a fabricated message to Bridger and Wren, posing as "Commander Meiloorun." He states that they missed their check-in and inquires about damage to their craft, offering assistance. Wren denies needing assistance, but after the Fifth Brother threatens to kill her while holding her at blade-point, Bridger reconsiders the offer. Orrelios signs off, telling Bridger and Wren to "keep [their] chin up." With instructions to meet at Bay Six, the Inquisitors escort the captives to the hangar bay, intending to eliminate them all once they have the Jedi. Upon arriving at the hangar, Bridger and Wren spot Orrelios in the Phantom, suspended upside down from the ceiling. When the last of the Seventh Sister's seeker droids detects him, Orrelios creates a distraction that allows Bridger and Wren to break free from the Inquisitors and board the Phantom. They escape with a crate of medical supplies and return to the Rebel Fleet. Upon returning to the Ghost, they inform Jarrus, Syndulla, and Rex about the two Inquisitors they encountered, shocking Jarrus, who was unaware of the existence of multiple Inquisitors. Bridger also informs Jarrus that the Inquisitors knew about Tano, and Jarrus promises to inform her. Jarrus tells Syndulla that the rebels really don't know what they're up against.


During Ezra's attempt to levitate Chopper with the Force, the wall to the right of the galley door is visible. The starbird symbol, which was present in "Idiot's Array", is absent, despite the later episode "The Holocrons of Fate" depicting the painting as still there.


