Brothers of the Broken Horn

"Brothers of the Broken Horn" marks the sixth installment of _Star Wars Rebels's second season, and the twenty-first episode overall. It premiered on November 4, 2015, on Disney XD. This episode centers on Ezra Bridger's investigation of the Broken Horn, where his path crosses with that of Hondo Ohnaka.

Official description

When a distress signal from the Broken Horn reaches Ezra, the young Jedi discovers an unexpected presence: the infamous pirate Hondo Ohnaka. The question remains: is he an ally or an enemy?

Plot summary

Avoiding responsibilities

On Garel, Ezra Bridger engages in blaster practice with Captain Rex, utilizing Chopper as a moving target while propping up a Stormtrooper helmet. His repeated failures are interrupted by Kanan Jarrus, who seeks him out. Jarrus reminds his apprentice that he is missing Jedi training, which conflicts with blaster training. Bridger expresses his inability to be in two places simultaneously. Rex emphasizes the importance of prioritization for a soldier. Jarrus counters that Bridger is a Jedi, not a soldier, prompting Bridger to question his desire to be either. Sabine Wren arrives with instructions to return to the ship for a meeting.

The Rebels gather in the common room, where Commander Sato tasks them with assisting the inhabitants of the frozen planet Rinn, who are facing an energy shortage. They must locate a new supply of fuel cells to provide essential heat, preventing the colonies from freezing. Bridger suggests exploring the black market, a proposal that receives unanimous agreement. With the briefing concluded, the Rebels disperse, leaving behind Bridger and Chopper, who are assigned to clean the Ghost under Hera Syndulla's orders. While cleaning, Bridger laments his numerous responsibilities within the Rebellion, longing for his simpler days on the streets. A distress signal from Cikatro Vizago's ship, the Broken Horn, suddenly interrupts their chore. Bridger views this as a chance to escape cleaning duty and settle a debt with Vizago. Bridger and Chopper board the Phantom and, after a shaky takeoff, venture into space.

Encountering the pirate

Shortly after launching, Bridger and Chopper locate Vizago's ship. Bridger attempts communication, but receives no response. They approach the Broken Horn and dock. Upon boarding, they find the ship eerily quiet and empty. During their search, Bridger and Chopper become separated. Chopper discovers a large quantity of power generators, precisely what the Rebels need. Meanwhile, Bridger encounters Vizago's droids, all seemingly deactivated. He eventually reaches the main bridge, where he finds Hondo Ohnaka instead of Vizago. Hondo reveals that he is the new owner of Vizago's ship. When Ezra inquires about Vizago, Hondo explains that Vizago lost his ship and droids in a Sabacc game. To conceal his true identity, Ezra introduces himself as "Lando Calrissian," which amuses Hondo.

An Imperial ship suddenly appears and attacks the Broken Horn for violating an Imperial checkpoint. Bridger restores power to the engines, and Chopper arrives just in time to program the nav-computer for a hyperspace jump. After evading Imperial forces, Hondo proposes a trade partnership with Bridger. When Bridger asks about the trade, Chopper reveals the generators he discovered. Bridger notes their scarcity and high cost. Hondo agrees, stating that he intends to sell them at a substantial markup of five hundred percent. Bridger agrees to assist in exchange for a share of the generators: three crates. After Hondo agrees to two crates and a split profit, they seal the deal with a handshake. Unbeknownst to Hondo, Bridger subtly takes the controller for Vizago's droids and entrusts it to Chopper for safekeeping, in case Hondo becomes untrustworthy.

Problems with Azmorigan

Upon arriving at Nixus, they dock at the station Nixus Hub 218. Chopper remains with the ship while Bridger accompanies Hondo to deliver the generators to their buyer, Azmorigan. Azmorigan was expecting Vizago, but Hondo informs him that Vizago is unavailable and that he has the privilege of conducting business with Hondo instead. Azmorigan is displeased and orders his men to seize them. Hondo and Bridger are handcuffed and placed on a loading dolly. Azmorigan plans to launch them into the vacuum of space, as the Rang Clan has placed a bounty on Hondo, and he will profit from his death. Turning to Bridger, he recognizes him as one of the Spectres who confronted him on Lando Calrissian's farm on Lothal.

Hondo insists that he is Lando Calrissian, but Azmorigan reveals the truth. Realizing that Bridger is one of the Rebels who robbed him, Azmorigan is overjoyed at the prospect of collecting the bounty on Hondo, avenging himself against Bridger, and keeping the five generators. However, when he notices that one crate is missing, Chopper bursts in with the fifth crate. He collides with the other crates, scattering them and incapacitating several of Azmorigan's men.

Chopper chasing Azmorigan

Hondo accidentally activates the loading dolly, launching one of Azmorigan's men into space. Azmorigan opens fire, forcing Hondo and Bridger to take cover. Ezra retrieves his lightsaber and returns fire. Armed with two blasters taken from Azmorigan's henchmen, Chopper pursues Azmorigan, causing him to drop his credits, which Hondo then seizes. Hondo is launched into space, but Bridger uses The Force to pull him back into the hangar, revealing his Jedi identity.

Liberating Vizago

After Azmorigan's retreat, Ezra, Hondo, and Chopper leave Nixus with the generators and return to Garel. Bridger reveals his true name and his responsibilities to the Rebellion, admitting that they are overwhelming. Hondo suggests that he become a pirate, but Bridger is hesitant. Despite his dislike for his many responsibilities, he is reluctant to abandon the Rebellion. On the other hand, Ezra believes that he would be safer as a Pirate, as Inquisitors do not pursue them.

Bridger and Chopper then hear noises coming from the brig and discover Vizago locked in one of his own cells. Vizago reveals that Hondo stunned him and disabled his droids before seizing control of his ship. Vizago urges Bridger to help him reclaim the Broken Horn, reminding him that he owes him for providing information that saved his Jedi "friend" Kanan. Vizago decides to collect on his debt. Chopper agrees with Bridger, who decides to repay the favor in exchange for the generators for the rebels. Bridger instructs Chopper to load the generators into the escape pod.

Bridger and Chopper free Vizago and confront Hondo on the bridge. Unbeknownst to Bridger, Vizago steals the controller for his droids while Bridger proposes a deal: Bridger takes the generators, and Hondo and Vizago split Azmorigan's credits equally. However, Vizago betrays Bridger and turns his droids against him and Hondo. As the ship approaches Garel, Bridger and Hondo fight off Vizago's droids. Hondo escapes during the fight and steals the Phantom. Although he has his ship back, Vizago is furious about losing his credits and sends Bridger and Chopper back to Garel in an escape pod.

Returning home

Upon returning to the Ghost, Bridger and Chopper find Hondo with their fellow Rebels, as the Phantom's autopilot was programmed to return to the ship. Hondo initially claims that he and Bridger rescued the generators from Vizago. Bridger clarifies that Hondo stole the generators and the Phantom. Hondo makes a weak attempt to bluff his way out, but Bridger points out that Chopper had the Phantom on autopilot.

Realizing that his story is unconvincing and that he is outnumbered, Hondo willingly gives the generators to the rebels as a gift but keeps the credits. Bridger then speaks with Hondo before they part ways. Bridger says that he would have joined Hondo's crew in the past. Hondo laughs and says that Bridger is truly a Jedi. Hondo departs, and Bridger rejoins the Rebels.

Following Hondo's departure, Syndulla orders her crew to contact Commander Sato and inform him that Bridger found the generators. Kanan also speaks with Ezra, asking his Padawan if he went for a little spin. Bridger says that he wanted to figure things out. He says he used to be like Hondo, self-serving and alone. Bridger realizes that he is no longer that person. Jarrus concludes that Ezra is on a different path. Bridger affirms that he has the Spectres as his family.


