"Wings of the Master" marks the seventh installment in the Star Wars Rebels animated TV show's second season. As a whole, it's the series' twenty-second episode. This episode was initially broadcast on Disney XD on November 11, 2015.
Phoenix Squadron is traversing hyperspace, en route to Ibaar with the intention of aiding the struggling inhabitants. The Galactic Empire has increased work quotas and decreased rations; the Ibaarian people face starvation among the most vulnerable unless the rebels can deliver food supplies. Upon reaching Ibaar, they encounter an Imperial blockade commanded by Agent Kallus. Kallus threatens annihilation unless they surrender, but the rebels press forward, readying themselves for combat. A-wing fighters are launched, taking up attack positions. TIE fighters are also deployed and advance on Phoenix Squadron. Hera Syndulla directs Phoenix Leader to engage the TIEs, while the rest proceed to deliver supplies to the planet's surface. The TIEs initiate the firefight, marking the beginning of the struggle to break through the blockade. The blockade also opens fire, heavily damaging the transport ship carrying the supplies. Syndulla orders the crew to stay on course. Agent Kallus instructs all ships to concentrate fire on the transport, determined to prevent the rebels from succeeding. The transport's forward shields fail, and just as the rebels believe they can get through, it is destroyed. The rebels, defeated, are compelled to retreat into hyperspace and return to the fleet, losing Phoenix Leader in the process.
Upon their return, the rebels endeavor to devise a new strategy to get the supplies past the Imperial blockade. While everyone acknowledges the necessity of completing the mission, they also recognize their slim chances against the blockade, even with the full might of the rebel fleet. However, Rex proposes an alternative, mentioning an engineer named Quarrie he has been in contact with. He asserts that Quarrie, who despises the Empire, has created a prototype heavy assault starfighter. Rex also mentions that Quarrie will only discuss his ship in person on the planet Shantipole, which shocks all the pilots, as they know Shantipole to be a deadly location from which ships rarely return. Kanan Jarrus suggests sending Syndulla, but she refuses, wanting to remain with the fleet to lead the next attempt on the blockade. Jarrus argues that the new ship could be crucial in overcoming the blockade, offering superior firepower and requiring the best pilot at the controls.
After reaching a final decision, the Spectres set course for Shantipole. Upon arrival, Syndulla reluctantly descends to the surface in the Phantom with Garazeb Orrelios and Sabine Wren, while Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper collect the remaining supplies for the people of Ibaar. As they enter the atmosphere, Syndulla explains the difficulty of landing on Shantipole: ships flying in the upper atmosphere struggle to maintain power, leading to disastrous outcomes. Suddenly, a lightning strike damages the Phantom's systems. Plunging rapidly, they emerge from the clouds above a canyon filled with rock formations. Syndulla struggles to guide the crippled Phantom through the pillar forest, eventually spotting a landing field where Quarrie is said to reside. Damaged but intact, they land roughly. They nearly plunge off the edge of the platform but are saved by Quarrie, who was expecting them. He welcomes them warmly and praises Hera's landing. Despite acknowledging the dangers of Shantipole for ships, Quarrie describes it as the ideal testing ground because it is the last place the Empire would search. Quarrie leads them to the main hangar and unveils his Starfighter, the Blade Wing, a prototype of the A/SF-01 B-wing starfighter. Despite initial skepticism about its appearance, Quarrie assures them that his ship is one of his most advanced designs, guaranteeing speed and exceptional firepower. Syndulla is excited and eager to test it, but to her disappointment, Quarrie refuses, stating that he will only allow the right pilot to fly his ship. However, he offers to help them repair the Phantom.
While making repairs, Syndulla questions Quarrie about why he can't simply transmit the plans for his ship to Rex instead of requiring the rebels to risk their lives to come to him. Quarrie says he refuses to hand over his ship to any pilot, and then he asks why she risked her own life to come to his planet. Syndulla begins to recount her childhood during the Clone Wars on Ryloth. Although her mother sheltered them underground, she enjoyed watching the Republic ships fly overhead as they fought to liberate her world, dreaming of flying alongside them. Syndulla explains that freedom demands difficult choices, which, in her case, had required her to leave her family behind to learn to fly. With this ability, she says she chose to help others in need. Syndulla describes her insatiable need to be up in the sky where, even surrounded by explosions, she feels she is at her best. Moved by her words, Quarrie allows Syndulla to fly his ship.
Meanwhile, Jarrus, Bridger, and Chopper arrive at a transport ship and collect the remaining supplies for the Ibaarians. Jarrus reveals to Bridger that, unless Syndulla gets back in time, they are going to transport the supplies themselves with the Ghost. Bridger is concerned, knowing the Empire will make them their primary target. Despite the dangers, Jarrus knows the people of Ibaar are counting on them, and he is unwilling to let them down.
Back on Shantipole, Syndulla prepares the Blade Wing for take-off. When Wren and Orrelios learn from Quarrie that this will be the Blade Wing's maiden flight and there are chances it would not fly, they panic, but it is too late to warn Syndulla, who takes off and suddenly goes down after the engines cut out. After a brief moment, she emerges and takes to the sky. Syndulla flies the Blade Wing through the canyon without any further problems, climbing high into the skies and taking a dive into the pillar forest. After passing Wren, Orrelios, and Quarrie, she begins testing the weaponry. Using a wrecked ship as a target, she fires the wing guns, which don't cause much damage, despite being told it masters great firepower. Quarrie instructs Syndulla to pull the lever on her right, which activates the Blade Wing's multi-cannon. She turns and fires a large blast of energy, destroying the wrecked ship in one shot. The Blade Wing passes a successful test flight, and Syndulla flies it back to the landing field.
They receive a transmission from Jarrus, and Syndulla tells him the good news as he tells her his plan to commence the second attack on the blockade, insisting the people of Ibaar were becoming more desperate. Syndulla is urgent to move, but Wren informs her that, although the Blade wing still has the power to fight, the energy drain from the multi-cannon's firing system has killed the hyperdrive, leaving it unable to travel at lightspeed. Quarrie admits there are a few problems with the ship, but Syndulla insists they are out of time for more repairs. When Quarrie reveals that he upgraded the Phantom with a hyperdrive, Syndulla is delighted, while everyone else remains puzzled.
Meanwhile, the rebel fleet arrives back at Ibaar and commences their second attack on the blockade. The Imperials discover the Ibaarians' supplies are aboard the Ghost and commence their counterattack. Through heavy fire, the rebels notice the cruisers are closing their path. They find themselves cut off, and Jarrus is about to swing around and make another pass when Syndulla, Orrelios, Wren, and Quarrie emerge from hyperspace with the Blade Wing attached to the Phantom. The Blade Wing detaches and joins the fight, with Syndulla at the controls. The Imperials detect the new vessel, but Agent Kallus disregards it. The rebels allow Syndulla and Wren to fly ahead, and once in sight of a target, they fire the Blade Wing's multi-cannon, instantly destroying one of the Arquitens-class command cruisers. Agent Kallus is left speechless as the rebels successfully pass through the blockade and drop off their supplies for the people of Ibaar. With the mission completed, the rebels depart from the planet, leaving Kallus defeated once again.
Later, Commander Jun Sato praises Quarrie's ship, informing him that Senator Bail Organa has identified a shipworks willing to secretly produce more of his B-wings. Quarrie agrees, but only if he can supervise the manufacturing. Syndulla also expresses her gratitude to Quarrie for his assistance in saving the Ibaarians, but he emphasizes that it was her victory, as she was the one who piloted the ship. Based on Jarrus's recommendation, Commander Sato commends Syndulla's bravery and promotes her to Phoenix Leader.